
Re: 65 means 65

   All this talk about the speedlimit is missing the point. In politics
there is nothing that "Just happens". The 55 mph was passed by the state
legislators under pressure of the federal government. The pretext was
to save oil. The oil shortage was then and is now a political scam.

   President Nixon had visions of becoming a dictator. Watergate ruined that
but President Clinton is hard at it. Once the people have their guns 
taken away (it's being set up), then enforce the 55 mph after raising
the fines about 500%. Raise the price of fuel to about $5.00 a gallon
after opening the borders to cheap labor which forces wages to $5.00
an hour.

    The white collar crooks have stole trillions of dollars and are the
super rich. They have the money and do not need the economy to survive.

   If the economy plunges the crooks can buy the realestate at 10 cents 
on the dollar with their stolen money.

   The phoney 55 mph is a time bomb waiting it's time.

