
Re: 65 means 65

In article <40f015$ber@news-e1a.megaweb.com>, kennystar@megaweb.com (KENNY MORSE) writes:
> In article <40er2g$e8s@nnrp3.primenet.com> Mr. Fun wrote:
>>   you are not hearing from any "majority" anyplace other then on the highway
>>just like the rest of us.  The people you see in school are not a typical
>>cross section of drivers - from my occassional visits to such classes, they
>>are heavily biased toward the lower socioeconomic groups who can't afford the
>>ticket and/or higher insurance or "another" ticket.  The higher socio groups
>>seem to prefer not to waste the time in class and just mail in the money.
>>Ditto for who you see in court - it's almost exclusively the lower
>>socio-economic group, again, that's my obeservation but it's been quite
>>consistent over many years in several juristicstions.
> Wrong again, Fun man. If you had been in Harbor Court in
> Newport Beach tonight for class, we had 600 people (in
> 4 courtrooms, who's average income was probably way 
> above yours OR mine! You should have seen the cars
> in the parking lot....the Lexus' (or is it Lexii?), the Corvettes,
> the Supras, and just a few (like a dozen) Mercedes. I had
> a guy in my class who owned a new SL 500 (which I saw him
> pull up in so I asked him the cost.....he told me the RETAIL
> (which to ME is a dirty word)...$138,000.
> Nice try though.

"Nice try", yourself.  This is just what I mean when I tell you that
you don't understand statistics, specifically sampling theory...

... I suppose it NEVER occurred to you that you're drawing from a
population with a significantly higher income than average?  Do you
seriously expect me to believe that you can draw conclusions about the
typical speeder's (or traffic school attendee's) income and other
circumstances, from a sample drawn from NEWPORT BEACH?!?  

Sure, the wealthy were over-represented in that group, because they're 
SIGNIFICANTLY over-represented in the population of that region!  

Where's your next "random sample" coming from?  Bel Air? 

	--- Jamie Hanrahan, Kernel Mode Systems, San Diego CA
Internet: jeh@cmkrnl.com (JH645)  CompuServe: 74140,2055  
