
Re: 65 means 65

In article <40dcbc$kf6@bug.rahul.net> Grant Robinson  wrote:
>In article <3vu6pl$3m@news-e1a.megaweb.com>,
>KENNY MORSE <kennystar@megaweb.com> wrote:
>>In article <3vtl63$p50@cville-srv.wam.umd.edu> Scott Richard Rosenfeld wrote: 
>>>Now, it's 65.  65, WOW, guess we can do 75?  80?
>>THIS is what I've been talking about!!!!! ATTITUDE!!!!!!
>Real life Anecdote:  Just got back from Missoula Montana.  Posted limit on
>I90 is 65.  I drove at 65, and so did everyone else, got passed once during
>the 35 miles I spent on the highway. YMMV
>Grant Robinson,	VP Sales & Marketing
>		  http://www.bats.com/bats
>		    408.653.0202  grant@bats.com
>		      BreakAway Technology Services, Inc.


There are PLENTY of places where people DO observe the 
speed limit. Obviously. And plenty more where they don't...

BTW....what does Break away Technology break?

Kenny Morse
"Mr. Traffic"

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