
Re: traffic lights

In article <EIJKHOUT.95Oct24135848@jacobi.math.ucla.edu>,
Victor Eijkhout <eijkhout@jacobi.math.ucla.edu> wrote:
>In article <46imk0$du1@clark.net> dlr@clark.net (David Robinowitz) writes:
>> Any operating systems student will remind you that timed lights are only 
>> effective on one-way streets.
>Not if you set different speed limits for the directions.
>Better: have signs that say "if you drive xxx mph you will hit
>all greens". I'd be perfectly happy going a bit under the legal
>speed limit if I could just keep going.

They actually have a sign that says something to the effect of "signals
timed for 35 mph" going southbound on Vista Del Mar (?) from Playa 
Del Rey.

Adam Villani
"Business. Numbers. Money. People."
