
Re: traffic lights

dlr@clark.net (David Robinowitz) wrote:

>I remember a taxi ride in NY up 10th Ave/Amsterdam (a one-way street)
>without stopping at a light from the village to 121st street. What a

  I heard there is a certain speed which will insure that you hit all
the lights green in Manhattan - like, 27MPH.  That's what I heard, but
I don't think it's correct.  Once you catch a red, if there's no
traffic, you can pretty much ride the wave of lights turning green
ahead of you - if the taxis don't get you first.  :)  I've made
several 20-30 block uptown runs without catching a red, but have yet
to try for the whole island.  :)
Aaron M. Gold - amgold@ix.netcom.com
"I'm not Gary Stockton!"

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