
Re: traffic lights

In article <4790ll$mm3@uuneo.neosoft.com>,
Dan Mushush <mushrush@cyber-usa.com> wrote:
>In article <1995Oct31.232842.5412@madnix.uucp>, zaphod@madnix.uucp says...
>It doesn't seem to work that way around here. It's gotten so
>>bad that some of the lights now show red both directions for a
>>second or two, just to make sure the intersection really is clear.
>> The reason is that the problem is worse here than anywhere else.
>Sounds a bit like Houston.  People here have come to the conclusion that 
>if you are close enough to the guy in front of you you dont't have to 
>stop.  When I first moved here I found myself running some pretty hot 
>yellow lights just to get anywhere, then I'd look in my mirror and see 4-5 
>more cars follow me through.  I've even watched police cars in the line 
>playing the same game.
Sorta the opposite game is played in Chicago.  There, it seems mandantory to
start inching into the intersection while your light is still red.  About 3/4
of a car length over the limit line, more if there is room.  The guy behind
you will *honk* if you're first in line and you *don't* inch forward.  What
all this accomplishes is beyond me as no-one actually *goes* before the light
turns green.

The pedestrians are even worse.  They start crossing en-masse as soon as the
opposing light turns yellow...

;*  ___                                                                      *
;* /   \    Mark D. Pickerill      Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute  *
;*|     |   markp@mbari.org                  (M.B.A.R.I.)                    *
;* \   /                                                                     *
;*__\_/__   Servant of Athena            ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*
;*   |      Assembly hack extraodinaire  + All opinions are my own, and in  +*
;*   |      Diesel engine nut            + no way reflect opinions of MBARI +*
;*   |      Mercedes-Benz enthusiast     + "Standard disclaimers apply"     +*
;*   |                                   ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*
