
Re: traffic lights

zaphod@madnix.uucp (Ron Bean) writes:

>sv4012@u.cc.utah.edu (Scott VanTussenbrook) writes:

>   The lights around here are on such short cycles that even if
>you see it turn green, it may be red again by the time you get
>there. Unfortunately, this encourages more people to try to sneak
>through on the yellow, since they feel they didn't get a "fair
>shot" at it. It would be nice if you could count on a light to
>*stay* green for a reasonable length of time.

>  Anyone care to guess why the lights would be set up this way?

I prefer the short cycles, actually.  There is a light next to my house
which has an extremely short cycle for both directions, so I know that
if I get a yellow (-> red), I only have to wait 15-20 seconds before I get
green again.  There is a light on my way to work though which stays
red for minutes, and I *always* try to beat the yellow, knowing that
I would have to wait long otherwise.

I believe that it's the longer cycles that encourage people to cut
trough yellow...


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