
Re: Need Help Bad speeding ticket

rector, and states that dead is dead--whether traveling 5 or 105!
>Follow the speed limit--it was set for a reason.  

>Let's try a little experiment.  Get in your car and go 80 mph
>and aim for a tree.  Let's see if it is safer to go 80 and hit
>something, and survive, then try going 55 and hit that tree.
>See if you live to tell it.

>Drive 65--stay alive!  My wife loves her job, but she doesn't like
>restoring faces at 2 a.m.!  :-)

If 55 is safer than 65, then it only makes sense that 35 would be a whole lot 
safer than 55 and hitting a tree at 20 would even be better still.  Germany 
sees speeds of over 150 on a regular basis on certain Autobahns.  The speed 
limit should be at a point where most drivers can handle it.  If you use the 
lowest common denominator, we'd all be driving 35.  What REALLY needs to be 
enforced is hogging the left lane at lower than average (for the traffic) 
speeds, or actually hogging the left lane, PERIOD.  The frustration and 
maneuvering by drivers to overcome being trapped by these hogs is much more 
dangerous than driving 75 or 80.  I've NEVER even heard of a cop stopping an 
interstate left lane hog.

Randy T.