
Re: Need Help Bad speeding ticket

In article <randyt.6.02AC5A48@mindspring.com>,
Randy Tomlinson <randyt@mindspring.com> wrote:
>If ANYONE should be closely watched and regularly ticketed, its the very ones 
>that are almost NEVER ticketed:  the TRUCKERS.  My Corrado will stop from 60 
>mph in 120 ft or less and make avoidance maneuvers quickly and safely even at 
>high speeds.  Trucks can't avoid and can't stop fast.  In spite of this, they 
>regularly run 80 or more, tie up the left lane going up hills, and try to 
>intimidate cars that don't treat them with adequate "respect".  I talked to a 
>local State Patrolman who said he had only ticketed 4 truckers in his 2 years 
>with the patrol.  He said they were "too slick" to catch.  If I was a 
>patrolman, I think I could come up with some creative method of catching them. 
>Since I'm on the nation's interstates on a regular basis (and have been for 25 
>years) I can see who's on the side of the road and who's not.  Truckers RARELY 
>get caught.

Actually, if given the choice I would rather drive with nothing but 
trucks.  There are only about 5-10% of them that are NOT alert, 
considerate and aware of the traffic around them.  This compared to the 
5-10% of cars that ARE alert, considerate and aware.  Granted they can't 
stop as quickly or manuever quite as well, which is why I try to give 
them a little bit of consideration.  By your own admission if they went slower 
it would only increase the danger in having cars weaving around trucks.  
It is rare that I see trucks that don't keep to right, they usually 
follow the same speed as everyone else on the road, and almost never hog 
the left lane (especially not on hills)  Of the problems I have seen with 
trucks they are almost always traceable to the people in the cars around 

For instance.  Picture a truck that moves over a lane in  order to pass a 
car going slower than the rest of traffic.  While the truck is passing 
your average impatient driver comes up behind and wants to get around.  
Just about the time the truck has room to get back to the right is 
usually when the car in the left lane will try to pass the truck on the 
right.  This usually sets up a pattern for the cars behind and so the 
truck is stuck in the left lane.  Invariablly when I come up behind a 
truck in this situation I will hang back long enough to allow room for 
the truck to get right.  Usually he does so as soon as a safe opportunity 
is there.  Then all I have to do is pass on the left and usually am 
greeted to a friendly wave of thanks.

In all, I would have to say that most truck drivers behave like the 
professionals that they are.

	-Matt Rowe