
Re: Need Help Bad speeding ticket

In article <47okk8$e8f@lo-fan.jpl.nasa.gov>, "Antonio S. Esporma" <tony> wrote:

> randy@omni.voicenet.com (Randy) wrote:
> >In article <5NOV199521134200@vms2.tamu.edu>, msw5513@vms2.tamu.edu (Gumby)
> >wrote:
> >
> >> In article <randy-0111950034210001@philly36.voicenet.com>,
> >randy@omni.voicenet.com (Randy) writes...
> >> 
> >> >People tell me all the time they will not drive
> >> >MORE than 10 MPH over the SPEED LIMIT in fear of getting cited. Hence,
> >> >speed limits do work to keep MOST traffic from going too fast. I think 75
> >> >MPH on most highways may be more than adequate, but if you make the speed
> >> >limit 75 MPH, you will have people driving 85 MPH. That is why I think 65
> >> >MPH is a good speed limit.
> >> 
> >> Let me get this straight.  You advocate breaking the law.  You think people
> >> should go faster than the speed limit, and you want the limit set low to
> >> force people to speed.
> >
> >No where in my post do I advocate breaking the law. I do not think people
> >should go faster than a legitimate speed limit. My point is, that 
> >no matter what the speed limit is, people will exceed it by 10 MPH because
>  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> >they know/think they can get away with it. If the speed limit is 10 MPH
> >under what a safe speed limit would be, the majority of the people
> >breaking the law by 10 MPH would actually be doing a safe speed limit.
> >
> <snip the rest>
> Sorry, but the bullshit meter just hit the top of the scale!

So you are telling me that everyone that feels comfortable driving at 100
MPH are doing it? I don't think so.

> This is just no my observation, but also that of a recently released
> federal study on speed laws. It is true that when speed laws are politically
> motivated and regulated below the natural flow for a given roadway, drivers
> may feel that if cops are around they must not exceed the limit by more 
> than 10 mph.  Yet, when cops are not around, the flow are usually quite 
> higher.

But how do people know when cops are or are not around? Nice observation.

> Lets do a thought problem: set the speed limit to 85 mph on a rural
> freeway (say the I5 north of LA).  Do you think that people driving
> minivans and UTEs are gonna cruise at 95mph?  Do you think that
> people in Hunday's (other than Rodney King) will do 95?.

It does not matter what the vehicle is, (although a Hundai will not go
that fast) people will try to get away with what they can. It is human

> I might probably cruise at 90 or 95 in my cars, but then I usually do
> drive that road at that speed anyhow because my cars feel good between
> 85 and 100.  

So you prove my point. If the limit as you say was "85 MPH on a rural
freeway (say the I5 north of LA), you would "probably cruise at 90 or 95
in my cars". That is 5 to 10 MPH OVER the limit. Thank you for making my
point. :-)

> But most folks will cruise at speeds that they are comfortable
> with.  

Some people argue that 100 MPH is comfortable for them. 

> I would dare say that Porsches, NSXs and Ferraris might do 105, but 
> then I'm comfortable about having such cars about me doing those speeds
> because as a general rule they are being operated well below their 
> performance envelopes even at a 100 and can react quite quickly to
> adverse circumstances.

The cars might be operated well below their envelope speed, and can react
quickly, but put a driver that cannot handle the vehicle well, and what do
you have? 

> tony

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