
Re: Need Help Bad speeding ticket

It's interesting to read how many people don't support raising the speed 
limit because of the increased deaths they think will follow.  They are 
probably not aware that only about 2% of all fatal accidents happen on 
Interstates, nor are they aware that most accidents happen at speeds of 
less than 40 mph and within 25 miles of home.  Note that the speed limit 
repeal will make not a bit of difference on those roads.

Of course, some people say that no matter what the limit is, everyone 
will automatically go 10 over.  This is a good example of what happens 
when limits are set too low; 55 on interstates designed for a minimum 
speed of 70 is the best example of this (and perhaps the origin of the 
statement). It's also a good example of what happens when people hear a 
statement and don't bother to think about it.  Is it rational to say that 
if the limit were 100, everyone would go 110?  Of course not.  The 
drivers in New York, Pennsylvania and Maryland who just got 65 mph limits 
this year probably noticed little, if any change in actual travel speeds 
when the limit went up.  In my travels back to 65mph New York, I haven't 
seen any difference.  People still travel 65-70.  In the 55 mph zones, 
people go 65-70 just like they always did.

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