
Re: Need Help Bad speeding ticket

randy@omni.voicenet.com (Randy) wrote:
>Tis interesting that the NMA has this report, but the DOT does not. Not to
>mention that the NMA is "SELLING" this report. I could not find this
>report from the DOT. It does not mean it does not exist, just that I was
>unable to locate it. If it does exist, how can you sell a report that is
>available for free to the public?

The government does not give away reports.  We've bought two from 
them recently, the minimum standards for police radar and laser guns, 
about $18 each.

And, why can't we sell it?  The Gov't is not selling it because it's 
undergoing a "review" at the behest of the IIHS and other speed-kills 
groups.  They wanted it to undergo a peer review because they felt the 
authors put too much of their personal views into the subject.  And, no 
doubt, they didn't want people to find out that speed doesn't kill.  It 
would expose their profit-padding methods known as "speeding ticket 

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