
Re: Solve speeding by limiting cars!

In article <487vu1$msd@express.ior.com>, Tom Lentz <tlentz@teknon.com> wrote:
>What if they did make speed limiters a law.  Would I have to get my older 
>car retrofitted?  What about all those hobbyists who like to drag race 
>their street cars on the weekends (at a track of course)?  The NHRA is 
>probably a pretty powerful lobby.
Yea, and what about the guys with wire cutters, soldering iron and
a torch in their garage?  I'll have to run out and order some more
acetelene today...

;*  ___                                                                      *
;* /   \    Mark D. Pickerill      Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute  *
;*|     |   markp@mbari.org                  (M.B.A.R.I.)                    *
;* \   /                                                                     *
;*__\_/__   Servant of Athena            ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*
;*   |      Assembly hack extraodinaire  + All opinions are my own, and in  +*
;*   |      Diesel engine nut            + no way reflect opinions of MBARI +*
;*   |      Mercedes-Benz enthusiast     + "Standard disclaimers apply"     +*
;*   |                                   ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*
