
Re: Solve speeding by limiting cars!

In article <DHzr7G.CpD@avalon.chinalake.navy.mil>,
ynot  <ynot@chiba.netxn.com> wrote:
>In article <4871qv$esm@hustle.rahul.net> Rahul Dhesi, dhesi@rahul.net
>>Subject: Re: Solve speeding by limiting cars!
>>From: Rahul Dhesi, dhesi@rahul.net
>>Date: 13 Nov 1995 09:06:39 GMT
>>>In <3pu04u$6p1@ludes.com> marks@ludes.com (Mark Spencer) writes:
>>>majority of all accidents are due to speed.
>>Evidence, please.
>>I had assumed most accidents occur due to acceleration.
>Actually most auto deaths are due to deceleration.  It's that sudden stop
>that kills you.

Well, lets get even more technical. It's not even the deceleration that 
causes auto deaths, it is the car making contact with another object, be 
it a car, truck, concrete wall/abutment, a rather large tree, light pole, 
and so on. To get even more technical and specific, it it the person 
being crushed inside the car, it is thier head slamming into the 
windshield, it is some part of the car piercing the body, it is the drive 
being thrown out of the car and being run over by another vehicle.

Point is, that less accidents happen on Interstates (controlled-access 
highways) than on rural roads and city streets. Speeding doesn't kill.

Yours truly,

Adam Szymczak, BA		Master of Arts in Geography (Urban Planning)
szymcza@server.uwindsor.ca	University of Windsor, Ontario, Canada
