
Re: Solve speeding by limiting cars!

>You're on a ruler straight road in west Texas doing 110?? (don't know because
>the speedometer tops out at 85, someone else in the car has a stopwatch 
>getting split times on the mile markers ~32 seconds), and the radar detector 
>goes off.  Your reaction:  hit the brakes.  Well this nearly locks up the 
>and with some skill and a bit of luck, you manage to avoid crashing in the 
>on the side of the road.  Your speedometer just reaches 55 by the time the 
>detector goes mad, you hapily wave to the #@!$&^% cop as he speeds by going 
>other direction.
>Now imagine this without the speed limit law...
>You pass by the cop doing 110, nothing happens.  No squeeling tires, no
>chance of crashing in the ditch.  (You also saved money because you didn't 
>to buy that radar detector.)
>Now tell me, what's safer, having the speed limit or not.
>..based on a true story...
>Kevin Tapperson

EVEN MORE SO, take this into consideration:

Under the current restrictive laws, if you are speeding, and if you're wise, 
you probably spend a disproportionate amount of your time watching for cops.  I 
know I do.  Your driving/speeding style is also modified to allow for known 
radar/laser traps.

Now imagine if you could go into the left lane, and drive 80mph-100mph, and not 
have to look for cops.  You could concentrate solely upon driving.  No panic 
stops.  No traffic knots (you know, those globs of traffic with a patrol car in 
the center that nobody DARES to pass).

Imagine also that the idiot driving the 1971 Cadillac with a dragging muffler 
isn't hogging the left lane driving at 50mph, or that old fool in the Winnebago 
isn't speeding up and slowing down ten times per minute in the left lane.  Why 
aren't these people in the left lane?  Because (a) they don't want to get run 
over by legal speeders and (b) the left lane will have a MINIMUM speed of, say, 
75mph during non-rush-hour times.  That should keep the sheep where they 
belong, in the far right lane.

Hell, keeping them in the right lane would solve a lot of problems anyway.  How 
many of you out there have been on a two-lane highway where two idiots are 
going side-byside at 50mph, and refuse to speed up, slow down, or get out of 
the way?

Follow-Ups: References: