
Re: Solve speeding by limiting cars!

In article <48co1i$9eu@calvin.bellahs.com>, esmith@oacis.com (Eric Smith) wrote:


> Under the current restrictive laws, if you are speeding, and if you're wise, 
> you probably spend a disproportionate amount of your time watching for cops.  
> I know I do.

If you are wise, you won't speed. Therefore, avoiding a possible ticket.

> Your driving/speeding style is also modified to allow for known 
> radar/laser traps.

Would not have to worry about speed traps if you were not speeding.

> Now imagine if you could go into the left lane, and drive 80mph-100mph, and 
> not 
> have to look for cops.  You could concentrate solely upon driving.  No panic 
> stops.  No traffic knots (you know, those globs of traffic with a patrol
car in 
> the center that nobody DARES to pass).

Now imagine this. You drive the speed limit (whatever it is in your area),
and do not have to look for cops. You could concentrate solely upon
driving. No panic stops (except for the possible deer, or disabled car, or
debris on roadway). No traffic knots since everyone would/should be doing
the same speed.

> Imagine also that the idiot driving the 1971 Cadillac with a dragging muffler 
> isn't hogging the left lane driving at 50mph, or that old fool in the
> isn't speeding up and slowing down ten times per minute in the left lane.

Hmmm.... I hardly ever see these types of vehicles doing what you say. But
if I saw the caddy doing that, he would be taken off the road that quick.

> Why 
> aren't these people in the left lane? 

My theory on this is that they wish to annoy speeders and be as far away
from possible unexpected dangers from the right berm.

> Because (a) they don't want to get run 
> over by legal speeders and 

If they didn't want to get run over by legal speeders, they would stay in
the right lane.

(b) the left lane will have a MINIMUM speed of, say, 
> 75mph during non-rush-hour times.  

I never saw that.

> That should keep the sheep where they 
> belong, in the far right lane.
> Hell, keeping them in the right lane would solve a lot of problems anyway.

It may.

> How 
> many of you out there have been on a two-lane highway where two idiots are 
> going side-byside at 50mph, and refuse to speed up, slow down, or get out of 
> the way?

I have seen that happen at all speeds. Even fast speeds.
