
Re: Solve speeding by limiting cars!

On 15 Nov 1995, Adam Neil Villani wrote:

>  I'm only 22 and have only been driving for 5 years, but despite 
> nearly always exceeding the speed limit I've received no tickets

Well it's kinda hard to get tickets on the 210, where the flow of traffic 
ranges from 70-80 MPH. Although I almost managed to one time: I was 
tearing down the carpool lane going at least 85 when all of a sudden I 
saw a motorcycle cop on my right, two lanes away. Needless to say, I 
checked my rear-view and fell back hard. I think he either must have lost 
me, or must have been looking for actual Car Pool violators (which I wasn't).

> time I've ever had a collision was when I was pulling out of a driveway very
> slowly on a residential street and hit a parked car, breaking the cover on
> my taillamp. That PROVES that low speeds cause accidents, too.

No, it just proves that not looking where you're going causes accidents. If 
you had been going faster, it just would have been worse! This lame 'proof' 
is just more ammo for the "speed kills" people. Sheesh, no wonder people 
over here make fun of you CalTech folk!
