
Re: Solve speeding by limiting cars! NOT!

In article <48e41r$cvs@clark.net> kevinatk@home.com (Kevin Atkinson) writes:

>In article <48d2el$peo@hippo.shef.ac.uk>,
>Andy the Pugh <A.C.Pugh@shef.ac.uk> wrote:
>>In article <Pine.SOL.3.91.951114150414.6682G-100000@godzilla4.acpub.duke.edu>, Scott Sigethy <sds@acpub.duke.edu> says:
>>>In Montana, there will be NO SPEED LIMIT!
>My My won't this be fun....  That fact along with people who deside to drive 
>100 when they can't handle it could cause an increase in 
>accients significant enough to "prove" the speed kills jerks case!

But you do accept that some drivers who are not qualified to drive (at any 
speed) will be going waaaayyyyy above their capabilities.  For those drivers, 
the increased speed is going to RESULT in increased accidents.  Oh by the way, 
note that I said that increased speed is going to result in increased 
accidents, not cause an increase in accidents.  The cause is their inability 
to drive.  

Also, next time anybody tells you that they can prove 'CAUSATION' (higher 
spped causes accidents) by using ANY statistical result, tell them to go jump 
off Mt. Everest.  Causation is absolute .... statistical results always have a 
degree of error associated with them.

But, I am looking forward to the higher speeds although here in FL it probably 
will not be much higher than what they are now.  Now, if we can only keep 
those bad drivers off the road .....


>* Kevin Atkinson, Clarknet I'net Serv.,  http://www.clark.net/pub/kevina/    
*>*  Maintainer of the Usenet Info Center at http://metalab.unc.edu/usenet-i/  
*>* And of Reasonable Drivers Unanimous at http://www.clark.net/pub/kevina/sl/ 
