
Re: Solve speeding by limiting cars!

In article <48fvj7$r29@shark.sb.grci.com>,
Rick Nakroshis  <rnakroshis@grci.com> wrote:
>Speed may not have a direct relationship to the *cause* of the accident, 
>but it does to the *survivability* of the accident.  I don't have the exact 
>figures at hand, but I do remember that the survival rate was near zero at 
>80 MPH.

Well, in case you would like a completely anecdotal piece of evidence, last
month a good friend of mine rolled his car (Honda Civic) over 360 degrees
at 90 mph with four other people in the car (two of whom were not in
seatbelts) and they all survived. What saved them was rolling onto a big
bush. They had just minor injuries (bruises, one concussion, etc.)

Adam Villani
Find the wondrous connection: Cesar Chavez, Benjamin Banneker, Sacajawea
