
Re: Solve speeding by limiting cars!

dwarner@atlanta.com wrote:

>Exactly, the same reason that causes most "high speed" accidents, not the >speed itself.  I drove many years before 55 at 80 and above, and the >changing of the signs to 55 didn't magically make me an unsafe driver when >I maintained the same speeds (travelling with the flow).

Speed may not have a direct relationship to the *cause* of the accident,
but it does to the *survivability* of the accident.  I don't have the exact
figures at hand, but I do remember that the survival rate was near zero at
80 MPH.

                            ( O-O )
   Rick Nakroshis                    rnakroshis@grci.com

   And remember, another day ends:
       All targets met...
       All systems working and customers satisfied...
       All staff eager and enthusiastic...
       All pigs fed, watered, and ready to fly.

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