News Library News Online
Vol. 22, No. 3/Spring 2000

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By Kate Bird

It has been a busy time for News Division members. Whether it has something to do with the beginning of the new year or the new century I’m not sure, but it seems many people are looking for a new career challenge.

Nora PaulNora Paul will be leaving the Poynter Institute in June after 9 years in the Leadership & Management faculty there. Nora is moving to Minneapolis to become Director of the Institute for New Media Studies, a new Institute at the University of Minnesota's School of Journalism and Mass Communications.

In a February 1, 2000 article in Editor & Publisher titled "New Media Wins Old Journalism School's Old Money", Nora is quoted as saying that she is looking forward to the intellectual diversity of the school's new program. On the Newslib listserv Nora referred to the News Division as a family, adding that "news research and the art and science of librarianship and information management will always be the foundation from which I build - and I'll always look to this group to keep the foundation solid."

Laura Soto-Barra also moved north from Florida, leaving her position as Library Director at the Florida Times-Union in Jacksonville to become Assistant Managing Editor/Library at the Syracuse Newspapers. Laura previously worked as a librarian for the Metropolitan Toronto Reference Library, Micromedia, the University of Toronto and the University of Chile.

Anne LeVeque moved "only one floor down, but two pay grades up!" Anne left her position as Information Services Manager at the Catholic News Service after close to five years to become Director of the Office of Library Services for the National Conference of Catholic Bishops/United States Catholic Conference. She will manage all aspects of their library. Anne reports "I have a staff of two - 100% larger than my previous staff!" Katherine Nuss will be taking over as Information Services Manager at CNS.

Julie Domel recently moved back to San Antonio and joined the San Antonio Express-News as News Researcher. She will divide her time between research and collection development. Julie is a graduate of the University of Texas both for her undergraduate degree in business and her Masters degree in library and information science. Julie spent the past few years at the Houston Public Library.

Stephanie Willen Brown left her position as Library Manager at the Springfield Union News to take a position with Rensselaer in Hartford, CT, a satellite of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Stephanie will be working as a reference librarian serving graduate students in a variety of technical fields such as electrical engineering and computer science. While she really enjoyed journalism, her heart "has always been in the academic world". Stephanie maintained the News Division's Newspaper Archives on the Web web page for the past 2 1/2 years.

Michael Jesse joined the Indianapolis Star as Library Director in January, replacing Sandra Fitzgerald, who took an early retirement. Michael was formerly Library Director at the Dayton Daily News.

After 22 years as an engineer and operations manager in the medical device industry, Geni Guseila decided that it was time for a change. She "evaluated the changes experienced in business and society, left the manufacturing economy and joined the one driven by information". A recent graduate of Florida State's Library and Information Studies Program, in October 1999 Geni joined the Palm Beach Post as a News Researcher.Chris Hardesty

Chris Hardesty has been promoted to library director at the San Jose Mercury News. Before joining the Mercury News last year, Hardesty was training and development manager at The (Raleigh) News & Observer's news research department.

Joy Birdsong was also promoted recently to the position of Manager of the Sports Illustrated library. Joy had been Assistant Manager of the library for the past 2 1/2 years.

Carol CampbellCarol Campbell will be retiring June 30th as Information Center Manager at The Daily Oklahoman. Replacing her will be Linda Lynn. Linda joined The Oklahoman in 1987 and has held a variety of positions, most recently Features Editor. Carol says that Linda brings invaluable assets and experience to the library, including the fact she’s a 'born and bred' Okie. They are hoping to reorganize the department as the News Research Center in the near future and change the department head title to News Research Editor. Linda looks forward to meeting what Carol has warned her is the ‘raucous caucus’ in Philadelphia.

An article in the February 2000 issue of American Libraries features news librarians Rob Robinson, Kee Malesky and Alphonse Vihn. The article by Nancy Bolt, titled "On the Air and On Deadline at National Public Radio", describes the types of research, collection development and training news librarians provide, as well as highlighting the unique talents which Rob, Kee and Alphonse bring to the job.

At the Edmonton Sun, library staffers Kathy Levesque and Carol Woods recently won the company's TAB (Thanks A Bunch) award for outstanding service during an extended period of short staffing. The award is given twice yearly to a staff member who goes above and beyond the call of duty in the workplace. Names of nominees were entered into a drawing for the President’s Award, an all-expenses paid trip to Las Vegas. Kathy Levesque won the draw, and after tormenting Carol for several days, generously offered to take her along in April.

Kate Bird is Graphics Librarian at the Vancouver Sun and The Province. You can reach her at

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