News Library News Online
Vol. 23, No. 4/Summer 2001

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Now accepting nominations
By Debra Bade

I know we just left San Antonio but I’d like to ask you to begin thinking about the 2002 conference in Los Angeles. I’m accepting nominations for the Kwapil and Henebry Awards and would love to hear from you if you would like to suggest the name/s of one (or more) of your esteemed colleagues.

Some background:

  • The Joseph F. Kwapil Memorial Award is the highest recognition bestowed by the News Division and is awarded for major achievement and excellence in news librarianship and for outstanding service to the News Division in programs and projects over a period of at least ten years.
  • The Agnes Henebry Roll of Honor Award was initiated in 1978 and acknowledges service to the News Division and participation in Division programs.

You’ll find a nomination form available on the News Division web site but can also contact me directly to make a nomination. This is a good opportunity to honor someone who inspired you, hired you, made you think about becoming a news librarian, or makes you appreciate being a news librarian every day.

Debra Bade is Director of Online Training and Development for CNN and can be reached at