News Library News Online
Vol. 23, No. 4/Summer 2001

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Regular Features

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News Library News
SLA News Division Home


Conference Highlights: Photos from San Antonio


The News Division Suite during the silent auctionNews Division members mingle while bidding on items at the silent auction.







Debra Bade speaks after receiving the Shoemaker AwardOutgoing Division Chair Debra Bade received the Ralph J. Shoemaker Award of Merit.









Ginny Evert and Charlie CampoPast Chair/Awards Director Ginny Evert and Agnes Henebry award recipient Charlie Campo enjoy the banquet.







Jody Habayeb and Christine DaviesDivision Chair Jody Habayeb and Vormelker-Thomas student award winner Christine Davies.







M.J. Crowley and Kathy FoleyM.J. Crowley presented Kathy Foley with the Joseph F. Kwapil Memorial Award.









News Division members touring the San Antonio Express NewsNews Division members get a tour of the San Antonio Express News.








Teresa LeonardHenebry Roll of Honor recipient Teresa Leonard.