News Library News Online

25th Anniversary 1978-2003

Vol. 25, No.2/Winter 2003

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By Leigh Montgomery

The New England News Library Association (NENLA) held an informal workshop in Providence on November 22. The group included news librarians, an architectural librarian, several MLS candidates and a vendor representative from NewsBank. The Friday afternoon visit began at the Providence Journal library, hosted by Linda Henderson, Librarian.

Technology demo requests and ideas for roundtable discussion had been proposed via the NENLA e-mail discussion group prior to the get-together, and Linda honored two of these requests by demonstrating graphics archiving in Journal's Merlin photo database as well as the library's new digital microfilm reader printer. Linda mentioned that historic screen shots of legal notices from the microfilm were used in some Providence Journal news coverage recently, and helped make the case for a new machine for her staff.

A roundtable discussion followed. This was the opportunity for attendees to ask their colleagues questions and gather information about issues common to news libraries. Among other things, topics included microfilm digitization, handling public requests, and how to reach librarians in small news libraries, who would benefit from NENLA membership. Afterward, the group sampled the local Italian cuisine at the Bella Vista restaurant in downtown Providence, continuing the discussions and idea-sharing, and exchanged business cards for future library visits.

If you are in agreement that NENLA workshops are fun as well as informative, and would like to attend a NENLA workshop in the future, please join our e-mail list to find out about future events! Contact Bill Boles, NENLA listowner, at

The New England News Libraries participants eat at Bella Vista in Providence, Rhode Island

Left, front to back: Linda Henderson, Providence Journal; Elizabeth Riba, MLS, Bill Boles, Boston Globe; Kate Brown, MLS candidate; Jessica Baumgart, Harvard University News Office. Right side, back to front: David Ware, Loeb Library/Harvard University Graduate School of Design and MLS candidate; Leigh Montgomery, The Christian Science Monitor; Grayce Moorehead, MSILS candidate; Linda Chapman, the Patriot Ledger, and Susan Sweetnam, The Christian Science Monitor. (Click on the image to enlarge it.)

Last Updated: 2/4/03
Ron Larson