News Library News Online

25th Anniversary 1978-2003

Vol. 25, No.2/Winter 2003

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Nominees for Division Board Announced


Jennifer Small Evert

Jennifer Small Evert

I am currently a Product Manager for Nexis Content Services at LexisNexis' headquarters in Dayton, Ohio. I am the primary contact for U.S. and international newspapers that send their content to Nexis.

Before moving to Ohio, I worked for LexisNexis in Texas as an Information Professional Consultant. In this capacity, I worked with special librarians in all business environments, including 8 great newspapers, to help them maximize their investment in LexisNexis and market themselves within their organizations. In this role, I also worked with graduate students in library science to teach them about online searching and the workings of a special library.

I started in news libraries at the San Antonio Express-News where I worked as the Assistant Editor for Information Services. In this capacity, I was in charge of research, computer-assisted reporting and training in the newsroom. Coming to the paper in 1996, I worked hand in hand with News Research Editor Kathy Foley to build a news research department from the ground up.

I have been very active within the Special Libraries Association. For two years I served as managing editor of News Library News. I am currently finishing my two year stint as the Director of Education / Professional Development for the News Division. In 2000, I served as the Public Relations Chair for the Texas Chapter of SLA as the chapter prepared for the annual conference in San Antonio.

I have also been very active speaking at conferences. At SLA, SPJ and AP conferences, I spoke about issues like training in newsrooms and CAR training for reporters. In 1999, I won a Freedom Forum fellowship and traveled to Hong Kong and Bangkok to train reporters and librarians how to search the Internet.

I received my MLIS from the University of Texas at Austin in 1996, a Masters in history from Ohio State in 1995 and a B.A. in history and government from the College of William & Mary in 1992.


Jacquelyn Cenacveira

Jacquelyn Cenaveira

In 1987, I joined the profession of news librarianship as a news researcher with the St. Petersburg Times. Previously, I had been in law school where I realized that while I loved performing legal research, I had no desire to continue on as a lawyer!

While working at the Times, I attended the University of South Florida School of Library and Information Science part-time. Commuting daily between three cities would have been less complicated had I chosen to attend school full-time and not remain with the Times. But the news bug had bitten me and there was no turning back. I graduated with my MLS in 1989. From Florida, I moved to Los Angeles to become a news librarian with the Los Angeles Daily News. During my three-year tenure there, I learned the intricacies and challenges of a small news library - archiving and indexing text and photos, performing research on a shoestring budget and educating fledgling reporters in the use of library news retrieval systems. Since 1992, I have been with the Los Angeles Times and am Deputy Manager of News Research. It has been an enriching experience that has provided me with varied perspectives and knowledge. My responsibilities have ranged from Web page development to computer assisted reporting and research to staff and budget administration and development.

I am a member of the Special Libraries Association and the National Association of Black Journalists. I have been actively involved in the News Division over the past 15 years, beginning as a recipient of the Vormelker-Thomas Student Award in 1989 and most recently serving as chair of the Nominations Committee in 2001. I also spoke at the 1997 and 1999 SLA conferences. Currently I am the chair of the Special Libraries Association Diversity Leadership Development Program Committee.

Justin Scroggs

Justin Scroggs

Following six years in the field of counseling and a stint as a student at a Baptist seminary (not necessarily related), I found myself as a trainee in news libraries at the News & Observer in Raleigh, North Carolina. There I first learned text enhancing then moved into research. Originally under the direction of Lany McDonald, I later became the Research Manager under Teresa Leonard. I was with the N & O for five years. During that time I was part of a number of CAR projects including working with Pat Stith, Joby Warrick, Brooke Cain and others on Pulitzer-winning "Boss Hog" series.

In July 1995 Ms. McDonald came calling again. September of that year found me packing my bags and heading for the Big Apple. There I joined The Research Center at Time, Inc. as Manager of Database Management Services. I headed a staff responsible for the enhancing and indexing of 22 publications under the Time umbrella. Negotiation of contracts was my responsibility. I also had the opportunity to participate in a number of custom publishing initiatives.

Major intra-company restructuring following the Time Warner-AOL merger lent itself well to a job change, so I headed back south. I joined Ginny Everett and Kathleen Flynn at the Atlanta Journal-Constitution on September 10, 2001 as the Text Archives and Stacks Manager. This continued my supervision of content archiving but added new responsibilities in the areas of product creation and marketing of items associated with the AJC. In July 2002, with Kathleen Flynn's departure from the AJC,I moved into the Deputy Director's position in the AJC Information Services, broadening my areas of responsibilities.

Throughout my years in library work I have been involved with the Special Libraries Association at both the state and News Division level. I've spoken at a number of conferences and served on nominating, automation & technology, and public relations committees.

Away from the office, my lovely wife, Jane, and I enjoy travel, reading, sports, and outdoor activities. We seem to always have another project in mind for the house or yard; lately we have been working to perfect our trash-to-treasure techniques.

Director of Education/Professional Development Chair

Jim Hunter

Jim Hunter

I have managed the Columbus Dispatch editorial library since 1974. Our staff now consists of seven librarians - six have an MLS.

I have always had a keen interest in archiving issues and technology projects of all kinds. I began electronic text archiving at the Columbus Dispatch in 1985; digital image archiving in 1992 and intranet operations in 1999. Now several systems later and much wiser we operate a large image archive, two text archives and the editorial intranet. The second text archive is a local commercial text archive site that is actually profitable.

We are now working with IBM's new archive system, NICA, which includes images, graphics and PDF's. The text archive will be transferred to NICA in early 2003.

I also provide extensive support for Computer Assisted Research & Reporting projects (CARR), including identifying and acquiring public record data sets, importing data and teaching reporters how to analyze data using Excel, MAS ACCESS, SPSS and SAS software. Much of this work finds it's way onto the intranet site, which the library created and continues to run. We currently have over 42 million public records on the site. I also have managed the Dispatch political polling operation since 1982.

Teaching journalists to be more proficient users of information technology is one of our greatest challenges.

My most satisfying accomplishment has been the creation of highly qualified professional library staff.


BA Political Science Kent State University, 1969
M.L.S. Library Science Kent State University, 1973
NICAR Statistical Boot camp, UNC Chapel Hill 2001
Poynter Institute News Librarian Seminar

Presentations at SLA News Division conferences

Census, Internet tools, digital image archiving, convergence, print photo collections, political polling, News Division survey.

Agnes Henebry Award SLA News Division 2002

Adjunct Faculty, Communications Dept, Otterbein College "Online Research & Web Design" Winter quarter 1999 and 2000.
Adjunct Faculty, Kent State University School of Library Science "Special Libraries" 2000 and 2003
Faculty "Image Archiving", Electronic Photo Workshop, National Press Photographers Association, 1997

Catherine M. Tierney

Catherine Tierney

Although I attended college in the Midwest, earning a Bachelor of Arts from Cardinal Stritch College (Milwaukee, Wisconsin) and an MLS from Kent State University's School of Library Science (Kent, Ohio), I grew up in New Jersey (near Philadelphia).

Most of my professional life as a news librarian/researcher was spent at the Akron (Ohio) Beacon Journal as Reference Librarian and Chief Librarian. After over 26 years in Akron, I packed up and moved on to a great new challenge as Director of News Research at the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, in April of 2002.

It was my good fortune to be sent overseas twice, winning the Freedom Forum/Special Libraries Association International Library Program Fellowship in 2000 to conduct Internet training for journalists, journalism students and librarians in Hong Kong, Macau, and mainland China, using an Internet guide I compiled for training sessions. In 2001, I again did the same program in the Far East, with the addition of The Philippines, taking the place of the award recipient who was unable to go, after 9/11.

My first formal training program at the Post-Dispatch was one that was very successful and well received by the newsroom, News Research staff and invited area special librarians this fall: Gary Price came to the paper and gave a fascinating talk about effectively using the Internet.

Last Updated: 2/4/03
Ron Larson