News Division Web Site Adoption Center

This page is the adoption center for the News Division Web site. It takes a lot of work to maintain the Web site, especially since the content continues to grow. We need help to keep the Web site updated. This is a volunteer effort. We appreciate any assistance we can get. Don't let a lack of knowledge about HTML stop you from contributing. A commitment to update a page or section is a commitment to update that area at your convenience, whether that is just one time, every week, once a month, once every two months or once every six months or whatever schedule works for you. We certainly welcome contributions from library and information science students. (Web skills look great on a resume and there's lots of potential here for a class project!) If you are interested in updating or maintaining a page for the Web site, please send a message to Alice Pepper (

Adopted Pages Greatly in need of adoption

Archiving Vendor List
In the process of being updated by Lynne Palombo (Oregonian)

Asian News Archives
Chin Wey Tze of Singapore Press Holdings has contributed updates for several Asian and Middle Eastern newspapers.

Canadian News Archives
is a new page created by Liisa Tuominen of the Ottawa Citizen.

Lauren Pressley has compiled a list of election resources, 2004.

Jeanie Straub is working on an update to the Essential Reference Books for a U.S. News Library.

International News Archives is gaining sources thanks to Alexandra Tyle.

Internet Resources for News Librarians and Researchers
Maintained by Dru Frykberg (Greenlee School of Journalism and Communication)

Intranets Section
Maintained by Leigh Poitinger (San Jose Mercury News)

Jobs and Internship Page
Maintained by Carolyn Edds

News Library News--Current Issues

Sources and Experts
Maintained by Kitty Bennett

Sarah Gehring of The Baltimore Sun is now caring for Top Internet Resources for Journalists State by State. Leigh Poitinger of The San Jose Mercury News, Liz Donovan of The Miami Herald, Becky Hodges of The Salt Lake Tribune, and Jennifer Jack of American University Library have contributed to it in the past.

Top Internet Sites for Journalists--National
Jennifer L. Jack (American University Library)

The entire About News Libraries section needs help. It's old and focuses only on newspaper libraries (not that there's anything wrong with newspaper libraries, but there's a lot more to news librarianship than just newspaper libraries.) It could be a very easy exercise for someone to contribute to this page because s/he'd just have to write what s/he does every day, basically. Of course, the content could include much more than that.

Anyone see or write any articles about our profession recently? Anyone work on a bibliography lately? We'll take articles available only in print or other non-Web media, too.

International News Archives, especially non-English-language sources. Many countries aren't represented.

Profiles are snippets of news librarians' jobs. It's a great way for us to inform others about what we do. The problem is that there are only a few profiles on the page. Anyone want to write what their typical day is like? How about your favorite part of your job?

A Subject Index to the Special Libraries Association Annual Conference Materials
Much of the material from past conferences still has value, but is lost because no one knows it's there. A subject index could help provide access.

Surveys and Forms
This can be a rather ambitious project because the person could solicit news libraries for materials as well as maintaining what's already on the site.

Text and Photo Database Enhancement Terms
Stephanie Willen Brown compiled these pages in 1999. It'd be great if someone would take a look at this section and see what needs to updated or added. They're probably low-maintenance pages: archiving terms may not change too much.

Training Materials: There's been a lot of talk about how we train our journalist colleagues and how we train ourselves. Anyone want to start a section on training? I already have submissions from 3 people.

United States News Archives
This popular section of the site is linked to from a variety of places, including the Library of Congress.

Where to Find Photos and Graphics: A popular question on Newslib, this site already contains some answers from a presentation at the 2002 SLA Annual Conference, but there are probably more sources out there on the Web than those named in the presentation.

Ideas for new pages: anything about broadcast news or magazines would be nice; how-to guides, like how to find information about a company, how to get public records, etc.; resources about copyright; or sources of photos.

Create your own! Do you see a need for a page that is not on the site? If you are willing to create a page, we will be glad to add it to the site.

Just want to code something? Let's talk: There are some areas of the site that need their HTML code reworked.

Colleagues who have contributed content in the past.

About this Web Site
SLA News Division Home

Last updated: 2/2/09
Alice Pepper