The SOHP Guidebook

SOHP Forms

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How To: Resources for Planning and Conducting Oral History Interviews

The SOHP Guidebook. Our popular Southern Oral History Program Guidebook represents a comprehensive introduction to critical aspects of oral history fieldwork. The Guidebook includes a full complement of resources to assist in the design, execution, and processing of oral history interviews.

SOHP Interview Forms. Our standard interview forms—Cover Sheet, Interview Agreement, Interview Agreement with Restrictions, Life History Form, and Proper Word Form—are required to complete the documentation of every interview.

Want to know more? An Oral History Bibliography. Our bibliography includes sections on oral history theory and methodology, ethical considerations and legal issues, citations to key journals and videotapes, and a compendium of exemplary books and articles based at least in part on oral history research.

The Southern Oral History Program
Center for the Study of the American South
Love House and Hutchins Forum
410 East Franklin St., CB# 9127, UNC-CH
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-9127
(919) 962-0455