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On the fierce king Hanúmán turned
His angry eyes that glowed and burned.
He saw him decked with wealth untold
Of diamond and pearl and gold,
And priceless was each wondrous gem
That sparkled in his diadem.
About his neck rich chains were twined,
The best that fancy e'er designed,
And a fair robe with pearls bestrung
Down from his mighty shoulders hung.
Ten heads he reared,  2 as Mandar's hill

Lifts woody peaks which tigers fill.
Bright were his eyes, and bright, beneath,
The flashes of his awful teeth.
His brawny arms of wondrous size
Were decked with rings and scented dyes
His hands like snakes with five long heads
Descending from their mountain beds.
He sat upon a crystal throne
Inlaid with wealth of precious stone,
Whereon, of noblest work, was set
A gold-embroidered coverlet,
Behind the monarch stood the best
Of beauteous women gaily dressed.
And each her giant master fanned,
Or waved a chourie in her hand.
Four noble courtiers  1b wise and good
In counsel, near the monarch stood,
As the four oceans ever stand
About the sea-encompassed land.
Still, though his heart with rage was fired,
The Vánar marvelled and admired:
'O what a rare and wondrous sight!
What beauty, majesty, and might!
All regal pomp combines to grace
This ruler of the Rákshas race.
He, if he scorned not right aud law,
Might guide the world with tempered awe:
Yea, Indra and the Gods on high
Might on his saving power rely.'


421:1 The sloka which follows is probably an interpolation, as it is inconsistent w?th the questioning in Canto L.: He looked on Ravan in his pride, And boldly to the monarch cried: 'I came an envoy to this place From him who rules the Vánar race.

421:2 The ten heads of Rávan have provoked much ridicule from European critics. It should be remembered that Spenser tells us of "two brethren giants" "The one of which had two heads, the other three;" and Milton speaks of the "four-fold visaged Four," the four Cherubic shapes each of which had four faces.

Next: Canto L.: Prahasta's Questions.