T i r u v a i m o z h i   of   N a m m a z h w a r - Centum : 5-3

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maasaRu sOthi* en seyyavaay maNikkunRaththai*
aasaRu seelanai* aadhi moorththiyai naadiyE*
paasaRa veydhi* aRivizhanNthu enai nNaaLaiyam?*
EsaRum ooravar kavvai* thOzhee! en_seyyumE?*.	(2)	5.3.1

1. Oh my dear thOzhI! (Girl friend!) Emperumaan is of the Purest jyOthi
swarUpan and with no blemishes; The Red Coral mouthed Lord is like a Huge
mountain of Emerald stone. He is the personification of complete, total
most Auspicious attributes (kalyANa guNAs); I have fallen in love with
such Greatest Lord of mine and hence, it appears my intellect has gone
away from me; (I can not think sense any more). How long can I continue to
suffer like this with my love never succeeding? The beauty has withered
from my body. I can hear people talking about my "madal oordhal". What if
they talk? I am not bothered any more. (means; since, I am His bhaktA,
only if BhAgawathAls talk, that matters to me- other people
- let them talk any thing- it is immaterial.)

en_seyyum ooravar kavvai* thOzhee! ini nNammai*
en_seyya thaamaraik kaNNaNn* ennai niRaikondaan*
mun_seyya maamai izhandhu* mEni meliveydhi*
en_seyya vaayum karungaNNum* payappoorndhavE*.	5.3.2

2.  Oh friend! Emperumaan has stolen my youth and beauty. He has spoiled
my "naaNam" (natural shyness) and made me talk so shamelessly about my
situation. He has allured me with His Most beautiful red lotus eyes. My
beautiful brown mango complexion also has become pale due to my
sufferings. My large, black beautiful eyes also have lost their sparkles
and have become lifeless.

oorndha sagadam* udhaiththa paadhaththan* pEymulai-
saarndhu suvaiththa sevvaayan* ennai niRaikondaan*
pErndhum peyarndhum* avanOdanRi Or sollilEn*
theerndha en thOzhee!* en_seyyum ooravar kavvaiyE?*.	5.3.3

3.  The sakatAsuran, who came in disguise, as a cart wheel to kill the
little cute KaNNan was kicked so heavily by the little Lotus feet of
KaNNan that the asuran rolled , got powdered and killed. The rAkshasi,
bhUthanai, who came to kill the infant KaNNan with her poisonous breast
milk, was sucked so much by the little red coral lips of kutti KaNNan that
her entire life was sucked by KaNNan. Such Greatest KaNNan, who has done
so many such wonders, has captured me with His Divine Beauty. He has
changed my mind, state and my body. Whether I walk, sit, stand, go or
come- I talk about Him only. Oh my dearest close friend! What can I do
even if you ask me to take care what people talk about me? I have crossed
all that, dear. It is beyond my control any more.

ooravar kavvai eruvittu* annai sol neermaduththu*
eeranNel viththi muLaiththa* nenchap peruncheyyuL*
pEramar kaadhal* kadal puraiya viLaiviththa*
kaaramar mEni* nNam kaNNan thOzhee! kadiyanE*.	5.3.4

4.  Oh my dearest friend! In the field of my mind, the paddy of my desire
for KaNNan was sowed. What people talked about me became the nutrients for
the seed to grow. The consoling kind words of my mother have been the
water for the growth. Now, KaNNan has made it grow like the vast big
ocean. Such a KaNNan- do you think He will belittle Himself by not coming
to my rescue now? He is not that cruel.

kadiyan kodiyan* nediyamaal ulagangonda-
adiyan* aRivaru mEni maayaththan* aagilum-
kodiya en nencham* avanenRE kidakkum ellE*
thudi koLidai madaththOzhee!* annai en seyyumE?*. 	5.3.5

5.  Oh narrow waisted dear friend of mine! KaNNan, the Thirumaal, Who
measured the entire universe in His one step, I do not know whether He is
kind or unkind. He has captured and stolen my heart. I can never forget
Him any more. You are saying that my mother also hates me now due to my
madness of love with KaNNan. What can I do? When I can not listen to even
my words, do you think will I be able to listen to my mother's?

annai en seyyil en?* oor en sollil en? thOzhimeer*
ennai ini umakkaasai illai* agappattEn*
munnai amarar mudhalvan* vaN thuvaraapathi-
mannan* maNivaNNan vaasudhEvan valaiyuLE*.	5.3.6

6.  Oh my dearest friends! The Chief of NitysUris, the king of Dwarakai,
KaNNan, MaNivaNNan, VasudEvan, has trapped me in His net. There is nothing
that my mom can do; There is no use of paying attention to what people
talk about me; It is not useful any more for you to advise me out of your
love for me; Leave that; I am a gone case.

valaiyuL agappaduththu* ennai nNal_nencham koovikkondu*
alaikadal paLLiyammaanai* aazhippiraan _dhannai*
kalaikoL agalalkul thOzhee!* nam kaNgaLaal kandu*
thalaiyil vaNangam aangolO?* thaiyalaar munbE*.	5.3.7

7.  Oh Broad hipped beautiful friend! Emperumaan has swept me by throwing
His net along with His kalyANa guNAs and entrapped me. He has called my
good mind also to His side with His sanghu shabdham; (even though he is so
high above and beyond reach, still He is so beautiful to look at with His
sanghu in His hand). He has captivated me with His Divine beautiful form
with the ChakrA in His hand. I long to fall down at His Most Beautiful
Lotus Feet. With "our" eyes incessantly drinking His Divine exquisite
Beauty, will I not bow down to Him with my head?  (Those people, who talk
all sorts of nonsense about Him, will keep their mouths shut; for that
upakaram (help) of Emperumaan, I will surely bow down to Him). (Here
AzhwAr says, "our eyes" means "He will come in front of us, and you and I
will see Him with our eyes.")

pEy mulaiyundu sagadam paayndhu* marudhidaip-
pOy mudhal saayththu* puLvaay piLandhu kaLiRatta*
thoomuRuval thondai vaayppiraanai* enN_naaL kolO*
yaam uRuginRathu thOzhee!* annaiyar naaNavE?*.	5.3.8

8.  Oh dearest Friend of mine! Emperumaan KaNNan sucked bhUtanai's life
along with her breast milk, when she came in the disguise of a mother to
breast feed infant KaNNan with her poisonous milk. He kicked the
sakatAsuarn and killed him, too. He crawled with the ural (grinder) in
between the marudha maram (trees) and made those yamaLaarjunargaL fall
down. KaNNan killed the bhagAsuran who came in the form of bird by
splitting its beak. He killed the elephant asurA called kuvalayaapeetam.
Such Greatest Lord of mine, My Emperumaan KaNNan has attracted me with
those haunting red coral lips and the milk white teeth, that eamanates
such a radiant sweet smile. About such a Lord, these people are calling
"He has nirguNan". To disprove them, when will I join Him and make them
ashamed of what they say now?

naaNum niRaiyum kavarndhu* ennai nal_nencham koovikkondu*
sENuyar vaanaththirukkum* dhEva piraan _dhannai*
aaNai en thOzhee!* ulaguthORu alar thooRRi* aam-
kONaigaL seythu* kudhiriyaay madaloordhumE*.	  5.3.9

9.  Oh my dear friend! Emperumaan has captured my beauty, my shyness
(naaNam) and has even called my mind and has taken it. The Lord, who is
there at the Highest Supreme most Parama Padham, who is the Chief of DevAs
is not coming to save me; Now I am going to talk bad about Him; I will go
around telling that He has deserted me and left me. I will let the whole
world know that He has deserted me. Can someone stop me? No. I have become
disobedient, stubborn and arrogant. I will perform "madal oordhal".

yaam madaloorndhum* em aazhiyangaip piraanudai*
thoomadal thaNNanthuzhaay* malar kondu sooduvOm*
yaam madaminRith* theruvuthORu ayal thaiyalaar*
naamadaNGhAp pazhi thooRRi* naadum iraikkavE*.   	5.3.10

10.  I will perform madal oordhal in all streets, everywhere; Whatever
people talk, Whatever other ladies talk with their tongues, I simply do
not care. The whole world will be dumbfounded my madal oordhal. At least
by doing that, I will get and adorn my head with the ThuLasi that was won
by KaNNan and catch hold of the Lord of mine, who has ChakrA in His most
beautiful hand.

iraikkum karungadal vaNNan* kaNNapiraan_dhannai*
viraikkoL pozhil* gurukoorch chadagOpan sonna*
niraik koLanNthaathi* OraayiraththuL ippaththum*
uraikka vallaarkku* vaigundhamaagum tham moorellaam*.	(2)	5.3.11

11.  SrI SadagOpar has sing 1000 Pasurams in andhaadhi style in praise of
KaNNan, who is of blue colour like that of big noisy Ocean. Out of those
1000, the readers of these ten pAsurams or their meanings, will have their
respective places (where they stay) as SrIvaikuntam. I.e. He, Emperumaan
will come and stay wherever they are and He will stay there permanently as
if it is Parama Padham.

T i r u v a i m o z h i   of   N a m m a z h w a r - Centum : 5-3

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