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Dear BhakthAs:

In this 34th slOkam , Swami ParAsara Bhattar comments
on how the Svaroopa-Roopa-GuNa SaadhAranams of
the Lord and His Consort unite to bless the BhakthAs:

yuavthvAdhou thulyEpyaparavasathA Sathrusamana-
sthirathvAdheen kruthvA Bhagavathi guNAth pumsthva sulabhAn
Thvayee SthrIthvaikAnthAn pradhimapathi pArArTya KaruNA-
KshamAdheen vaa bhOkthum yuvayOrAthmani midhA 

(Meaning according to Dr.V.N.VedAntha Desikan ):

So far, we described what is common to You both :
but , there are some special traits , describale
as masculine , such as non-dependence , firmness in 
destroying enemies(Sthirathvam) , etc.These mark the Lord .
Certain other features , which are special to You as a Lady are: 
gentility , complete concession of decisions (on meeting out
punishmnets/DhaNdadarathvam to Your Lord; own kindliness ,
forgivenness, etc; This apportionment of GuNAs betewen You both
agreeing to do so: that is , by Your will and Your Lord's will 
reconciling each other by common consent!

Additional Comments:

Oh Periya PirAtti! SaadhAraNa GuNAs like Youth , Soundharyam
are common to both of You. This aside ,There are certain qualities
exhibited by Your Lord as masculine being such as SvAthanthryam 
( acting independent of others/Opposite of Paaratantryam),
Firmness of resolve in destroying the enemies of those who
surrendered to Him , etc. In You , we see the femenine attributes 
shining such as softness of heart (the SoukumAryam of the heart ), 
total dependence on the Lord as His wife , Mercy (SrinivAsasya 
KaruNAmiva RoopiNI), Patience , Forgiving nature (KshamAmi na 
KshipAmi) , etc. Thus , certain differences in aathma guNams 
between You both arise as a result of Your mutual agreement . 

DR.VNV refers to SiddhOpAya SodhanAdhikAram and
DhvayAdhikAram of Swamy Desikan's Srimath Rahasya Thraya 
Saaram in the context of this slOkam . adiyEn will elaborate 
on these references:

At the beginning of SiddhOpAya sOdhanAdhikaaram ,
Swamy Desikan instructs us:

"Jaladhi SuthayA sArTam DevO jagath-paripAlayan
Parama Purusha: SiddhOpAya: PrathishtAbhara: sathAm "

The Parama Purushan ( EmperumAn) with His Devi , MahA Lakshmi ,
the daughter of the Milky Ocean protects the world and
accepts the burden of giving the Moksha (Parama PurushArtha
Siddhi) to PrapannAs (upAya anushtAna karthAs).

A slOkam of Lakshmi Tanthram is the basis of the above
upadEsam of Swamy Desikan:

LakshmyA Saha HrishIkEsO DhEvyA KaaruNya RoopayA
Rakshaka: Sarva SiddhAnthE vEdAnthEpi cha geeyathE

(Meaning): The embodiment of Mercy , EmperumAn ,
protects the world with His Devi , MahA Lakshmi.
This is the siddhAntham celebratd in PaancharAthra
Saasthrams and Upanishads .

The Dhivya dampathis are yEka tatthvam as celebrated
by Ahirbudhnya samhithaI(4.78):

NaarAyana param brahma sakthirnArAyaNI cha Saa
VyApakAvathi-samslEshAth yEka-tatthvam ivOdhithou

(meaning): The dhivya dampathis who pervade in
all the objects of their creation are always
together without separation and therefore are 
recognized as yEka Tatthvam ( Single doctrine).

NaarAyaNan , who is always addressed as 
Sriman NaarAyaNan has 12 important guNams
(Mukhya GuNams: (1) Vaathsalyam /irakkam(2) Swaamithvam/
Lordship (3) Souseelyam/companionship even
with those, who are inferior to Him in many ways 
(4)Soulabhyam/ease of access by one and all who
seek Him to perform prapatthi (5)Sarvaj~nathvam/
Omniscience (6) Sarva Sakthithvam/Omnipotence
(7)Sathya Sankalpathvam/frimness in delivering 
His promise (8)Parama KaaruNikathvam/being an 
embodiment of Mercy (9)Kruthaj~nathvam/not forgetting 
even a small good deed and considering that as a major
upakAram (10)Sthirathvam/Firmness of purpose
(11)Paripoornathvam/being the embodiment of
all auspicious guNAs (12)ParmOdhArathvam/
being the abode of immeasurable generosity in 
granting boons to the chEthanan, who practises
Bhakthi or Prapathti upAyam.

This Lord revered by NaarAyaNa Sabdham is
recognized as Sriman NaarAyanan in dhvaya
manthram.His masculanity is tempered by 
the femininity of PirAtti as Sarva Loka MaathA;
Together with Her Lord , She stands as UpAyam
at the time of Prapatthi of the chEthanan and performs 
Her dharmam as His Saha DharmachAriNi and accepts the havis 
of AathmA at the time of Praaptthi .As a result of
their own sankalpam , they agree upon a gender-based 
division of guNAs to bless the prapannAs as a united
Whole(Sriman NaarAyaNan). The Lord demonstrates masculine 
attributes (Purushaika Nishtai) such as SvAtantryam 
(independence) ,Sathru Samanam (Destruction of enemies of 
BhakthAs), Sthirathvam ( Firmness of resolve/aprakampyathvam) 
et al.MahA Lakshmi in line with Her role as the Supreme Lady 
and the compassionate Mother of the World has a tacit 
understanding with her Lord to display Mrudhu Hrudhayam 
(Soft-heartedness towards AparAdhis), Bharthu Paaratantryam 
( total dependence on her Husband, the Lord), KaruNA ( DayA ),
KshamA ( Forgivance), Para dukkha asahishNuthvam ( inability 
to be indifferent to the sorrows of the suffering /erring
chEthanams), AparAdha Sahathvam ( putting up with
the trespasses to SaasthrAnushtAnam instead of 
the tendency to punish/dhaNdatarathvam like Her Lord 
and pleading for the erring chEthanams before Her Lord ).
The Divine couple highlight the individual guNAs befitting
their Savaroopams as PithA and MaathA of the Universe 
and its beings and yet act in unison to protect the world
and grant Moksha Siddhi to PrapannAs . 

This is the purport of the 34th SlOkam of
Sri GuNa Rathna Kosam of Swamy ParAsara Bhattar.

Srimath Azhagiya Singar ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam ,
Daasan , Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri SatakOpan 

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