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Dear BhakthAs: In the 31st SlOkam , 
Swamy ParAsara Bhattar explained the doctrine of 
Svatha: SrIthvam of Sri RanganAyaki(MahA LakshmI).
Bhattar made LakshmI Svaroopa anusandhAnam here.
He reminded us about Her Tatthvam that She is 
a natural possession of Her Lord (Svatha: SrIthvam). 
He concluded this 31st slokam by submitting that ALL 
that is spoken of Her is ipso facto valid as well 
for Her husband.

In the 32nd slOkam , Bhattar dwelled on all of 
the DhivyAthma Svaroopa Dhivya and MangaLa Svaroopa GuNams 
are shared equally by both the Lord and His divine consort .
Bhattar addressed Sri RanganAyaki as " IndhirE and Sarva-
IsvarayapradhE" in this slOkam .He listed first Her 
DhivyAthma Svaroopa GuNams that She shares with 
Her husband as:

"Prasakanam prakrushtA Sakthi:, Bhalam , Sarav Jagadh BharaNa 
SaamarTyam , JyOthstEja: , Jn~Anam , SarvadhA sarva-vasthu 
SaakshAthkAram ,Isvarathvam , Vijaya praTAnathvam , Jaya-
seelathva prasasthi: , Pranatha VaraNam , Aasritha VasIkarathvam,
PrEmAsritha Vishaya Preethi: , KshEmankarathvam , Aaasritha-
Ishta PrApakthvam , Tadhanishta-nivarthakathvam "

Then , Bhattar went on to describe the Dhivya MangaLa VigrahaguNams 
that She shares with Her Consort :

"ParimaLa: , Sougandhyam , Kaanthi: , Soundaryam and SarvAvaya ShObhA,
LaavaNyam , SamudhAya ShObhA , Archi:, Oujvalyam , ithyEthi".

Thus there are two types of Svaroopa GuNAs (GuNa SamUham) that
they display equally .Bhattar emphasized that there is not 
one GuNam that is not possessed by the other. 

In the 33rd SlOkam , Bhattar continues with the enlisting of 
the SaadhAraNa GuNAs of Sri RanganAyaki . He addresses Her
with a tender salutation: "Sriranga MangaLa VijrumbhaNa Vaijayanthi".
Bhattar recognizes Sri RanganAyaki as the fluttering victory banner 
on top of Sri Ranga mangaLam (Sri RanganAthan's aasthAnam). 
The alternative meaning for this salutation is that She is 
the creeper like Soundharyavathi, who nourishes the auspiciousnes 
of Sriranga MangaLan , Sri RanganAthan.

The text of the beautiful 33rd SlOkam is as follows:

anyEpi youanamukhA: yuvayOssamAnA:
Sriranga MangaLa VijrumbhaNa Vaijayanthi!
tasmimsthava Thvayi cha Tasya ParasparENa 
Samstheerya dharpaNa iva prachuram svadhanthE 

(Meaning according to Dr.V.N.Vedantha Desikan ):

Oh MahA LakshmI! Thou art really the victory-banner 
flying aloft in the seat of auspicousness , that is 
the substance of Srirangam shrine ! There are some more 
charactrestric traits (guNams)that are common to both of You:
Ever-Youthfulness, delicate sensitivity , captivating beauty
of the various limbs , extreme sincerity of response , etc .
One's (Yours or His)particular quality admired is reflected 
in the Other and vice versa(as in a mirroe) : thus whatever 
You possess and shine thereby is verily His property too 
and marks Him too. Both of You mutually enjoy this 
phenomenon: Why ! It is delicious to us too: that You both 
possess such a common contingent of delectable attributes (GuNAs).

Additional comments :

The guNAs attributed to BhagavAn are reflected in You
as a prathibhimbham in You serving as a mirror. Your
guNAs are reflected in the same way as a prathibhimbham 
in Him serving as Your mirror. This Prathi palanam is
delightful (bhOgyam ) to both of You and to us . This
Bhimba-Prahtibhibhimbha svaroopam of Your guNAs seem to
arise from Your YekasEshithva BhAvam (both serving as Seshis 
in unison) as a Dhivya mithunam (divine Couple).

Sriman RaamakrishNa Iyengar translates " Sriranga MangaLa 
Vijrumbhana Vaijayanthi" as " Mannu Tennarangatthu Ongu 
MangaLak Kodi pOlvALE ". Their svaroopa GuNa visEshams 
emanating equally from from their eternal youth is
translated form the Sanskrit text of "YounamukhA: 
YuvayOssamAna:" as " Innum iruvar TankaL iLamai munnitta
paNpu". The delectable nature of their GuNa Visesahams 
changing mutually and reflecting as it were as a mirror image 
abundantly is saluted by sri RamakrishNa Iyengar as:

" ManniyE pothuvAi mARi mARi maRRavariR ThOnRi 
nannilai kkaNNAdiyil pOl thihaznthu aLikkum inbham " 
( Tasmimstava Thvayi cha Tasya ParasparENa 
samstheerya DharpaNa iva prachram svadhanthE ).

The anyOnyathvam and Parspara BhAndhavam of 
the Dhivya Dampathis of Srirangam saluted here
and reference is made to their GuNAs , which are 
exactly matched. 

Srimath Azhagiya Sigar ThiruvdaigaLE SaraNam ,
Daasn, Oppiliappan Koil VaradAcAri SatakOpan 

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