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SrImathi Shobha Srinivasan:

Thanks very much for sending me the most beautiful
nine gems of Saint  Puradara Daasar .I have heard number of 
them without fully understanding the meanings of 
the Saahithyam. Now I have a fuller appreciation 
of the Bhakthi BhAvam that bristles .

I am sure that the Kannada  speaking Devotees of the list
would eb particularly happy to recieve the full text
of these 9 Krithis.

Thanks again for  this Ugadi day present ,


At 03:53 PM 4/2/03 -0500, you wrote:
>Dear Sri Sadagopan sir,
>If you are interested to add the navaratna pf Sri Purandara dAsaru, here is
>it.  But however, if you are unable to add in Raama  Bhakthi List , it is
>for you to enjoy.
>Shobha Srinivasan
>pOgAdirElO ranga bagilindAce        |p|
>bAgAvataru kANdu etti koNDoyvAru    |a|
>Meaning :
>Do not go out (of the house), O, ranga.
>BhagavatAs will take you away (from me)!
>(BhagavatAs are the people who give
>discourses on bhagavatam and make living.
>Also they depend on shri hari for everything.
>Bheema (or hanuma/madhva) was the ONLY ONE who
>lived this style 100%.)
>suramunigaLu tamma hrudaya gafvara dalli
>paramAtmana kANade arasuvaru
>dorakAda vastuvu dorakItu tamagendu
>harushAdindali ninna karedetii kombuvaru  |1|
>Meaning :
>Saints, who have struglled to see God
>in their hearts, if they see you playing outside,
>will take you away, thinking that they got something
>agaNitaguNa ninna jagada nAriyarella
>hageyAgi nuDivarO gopAlanE
>magugaLa mANikya tagutitu karakendu
>vegAdindali bandu bigidappikombuvaru    |2|
>Meaning :
>For Ladies (gopIs) you are everything inspite of
>their chides (against you). They will definteley
>take you away when they see you thinking that
>they got the gem amongst children!
>diTTa nAriyarella isTava salisendu
>aTTaTTi bennaTTi tiruguvarO
>srushTIsha purandara viTTala rAyane
>isTishTu beNNeyA koTTenO rangayya       |3|
>Meaning :
>Women who are doing vratAs to get their
>wants will come following you, to pester
>you to give them their wants. They will
>show some butter and will try to take you
>In the second song amongst navarantagaLu from
>purandara dAsa, the dAsa has made a comparison
>between sugar candy and hari nAma. He proves that
>hari nAma is a better sugar candy.
>kallu sakkare koLLirO nIvellaru
>kallu sakkare koLLirO                |p|
>Meaning :
>Buy the sugar candy.
>kallu sakkare savi ballavare ballaru
>pulla locana sri krishNa nAmavemba   |a|
>Meaning :
>The sweetness of the sugar candy called
>'krishnA nAma' is known only to those who
>have enjoyed that.
>ettu hErugaLilla hottu mAruvudalla
>ottatti gONiyoLu tumbuvudalla
>etta hOdaru bADige sunkavidakilla
>uttama sarakidu atilAbhabaruvanta     |1|
>Meaning :
>This sugar candy need not be taken
>on a ox, this need not be kept filled
>in gunny bags (for preserving), this
>need not be paid taxes, this is the
>best product which can also give best returns.
>nashTabILuvudalla nAta huTTuvudalla
>eshTu oydaru bele rokka vidakilla
>kaTTiruve tindu kaDimeyAguvudalla
>paTTaNadoLage prasidhdha vAgiruvanta   |2|
>Meaning :
>This sugar candy will always give us
>profit, will never get rot, costs nothing,
>will not get spoiled by ants, and thus
>this sugar candy is very popular in the
>sante santege hOgi shramapadisuvudalla
>sante yoLege yiTTu mAruvudalla
>santasa baktara nAlige savigOLipa
>kAnta purandara viTTala nAma vemba     |3|
>Meaning :
>This need not be taken from one market place
>to another (to sell), this sugar candy
>makes the buyers' (bhaktAs) tongue sweet,
>and this sugar candy is nothing but
>'purandara viTTala's nama (name)'.
>purandara gurm vande dAsa shEshTam dayanidhim
>In this third amongst navaratnAs, sri purandara dAsa
>has brought the charm and beauty of sri rAma. He praises
>him as the perfect in all respects and glorifies Him.
>jaya jAnakI kAnta jaya sAdhujana vinuta  |p|
>jayasumahimAnanta jaya bhAgyavanta      |a|
>Meaning :
>Glory to jAnaki's (sIta's) husband, Glory to
>the person who protects good people,
>Glory to the person who has infinite
>qualities and noble.
>dasharatha maga vIra dashakaNTa samhAra
>pashupatIshvara mitra pAvana caritra
>kusumabANasama svarUpa kushalakIrti kalApa
>asama sAhasa shiksha ambujadaLAksha     |1|
>Meaning :
>Glory to son of dasharata, the person who
>killed rAvaNa (dashakaNTa), friend of
>shiva, the person with noble gestures,
>the person who looks like manmatha,
>the person with immense power, the person
>with eyes resembling lotus petals.
>sAmagAnavilOla sAdhujana paripAla
>kAmitArtha pradAta kIrti sanjAta
>sOmasUrya prakAsha sakala lOkAdIsha
>sri mahA raghu vIra sindhugambIra       |2|
>Meaning :
>Glory to the Lord, who likes music, who
>protects good people, who gives to them their
>wants, who is as bright as sun or moon,
>king of the entire univers, Glory to
>raghuvIra, who is as calm as sea.
>sakala shAshtra vicAra sharaNajanamandAra
>vikasitAbujasadana visvamayasadana
>sukruta mOkshAdhIsha sAkEtapuravAsa
>bhakuta vatsala rAma purandara viTala   |3|
>Meaning :
>Glory to the person, who knows all shastrAs,
>the person who forgives (the mistakes) of
>people who beg for pardon, whose house
>is this entire universe, the person who gives
>salvation to bhaktAs, the person who lives
>in sAkEta pura (ayOdhya), Glory to
>my Lord, rAma, purandara viTala.
>In this third amongst navaratnAs, sri purandara dAsa
>has brought the charm and beauty of sri rAma. He praises
>him as the perfect in all respects and glorifies Him.
>jaya jAnakI kAnta jaya sAdhujana vinuta  |p|
>jayasumahimAnanta jaya bhAgyavanta      |a|
>Meaning :
>Glory to jAnaki's (sIta's) husband, Glory to
>the person who protects good people,
>Glory to the person who has infinite
>qualities and noble.
>dasharatha maga vIra dashakaNTa samhAra
>pashupatIshvara mitra pAvana caritra
>kusumabANasama svarUpa kushalakIrti kalApa
>asama sAhasa shiksha ambujadaLAksha     |1|
>Meaning :
>Glory to son of dasharata, the person who
>killed rAvaNa (dashakaNTa), friend of
>shiva, the person with noble gestures,
>the person who looks like manmatha,
>the person with immense power, the person
>with eyes resembling lotus petals.
>sAmagAnavilOla sAdhujana paripAla
>kAmitArtha pradAta kIrti sanjAta
>sOmasUrya prakAsha sakala lOkAdIsha
>sri mahA raghu vIra sindhugambIra       |2|
>Meaning :
>Glory to the Lord, who likes music, who
>protects good people, who gives to them their
>wants, who is as bright as sun or moon,
>king of the entire univers, Glory to
>raghuvIra, who is as calm as sea.
>sakala shAshtra vicAra sharaNajanamandAra
>vikasitAbujasadana visvamayasadana
>sukruta mOkshAdhIsha sAkEtapuravAsa
>bhakuta vatsala rAma purandara viTala   |3|
>Meaning :
>Glory to the person, who knows all shastrAs,
>the person who forgives (the mistakes) of
>people who beg for pardon, whose house
>is this entire universe, the person who gives
>salvation to bhaktAs, the person who lives
>in sAkEta pura (ayOdhya), Glory to
>my Lord, rAma, purandara viTala.
>In this song, sri purandara dAsa clarifies that
>God (shri hari) is everything and he can do good
>or bad to anyone he likes. So, we have to go for
>Him for anything.
>sakala graha bala nInE sarasijAkshA    |p|
>nikhila rakshaka nIne vishwavyApakanE  |a|
>Meaning :
>O Lord with eyes resembling lotus, you are the
>one who has powers of all grahAs (planets),
>and protects the entire universe. (which means
>there is no meaning if we pray shani/rAhu/kEtu
>etc without praying shri hari).
>ravi candra budha nInE rAhu kEtuvu nIne
>kavi guru shaniyu mangaLanu nInE
>divarAthriyu nIne nava vidhAnavu nIne
>bhavarOgahara nIne bEshajanu nInE       |1|
>Meaning :
>You are sun, moon, venus, or comets,
>saturn, or any other planet. You are
>day or night, you are the nine vidhAnAs
>(6 vedAngAs, mImAmsa, nyAya, vyAkaraNa),
>you are the physician who can cure 'bhava'
>disease (which makes us take birth in this
>pakshmAsavu nIne parva kAlavu nIne
>nakshatra yOga tithi karaNa nIne
>akshayavAgi draupatiya mAnakAyda
>pakshivAhana nIne rakshakanu nInE       |2|
>Meaning :
>You are the pakshamAsa (the month which
>is suitable to give tarpaNa to our
>forfothers), you  are the parva kAla (eclipse),
>you are good times or inauspicious times,
>you, the one who protected draupadi by
>giving infinite saree, are the one who
>has garuDa as your vehicle and protects everyone.
>rutu vatsaravu nIne pruthivigAdiyu nInE
>kratu hOma yagna sadgatiyu nInE
>jitavAgiyennoDeya purandara viTalane
>shrutige silukada apratima mahima nInE  |3|
>Meaning :
>You are rutu vatsara, ugAdi (year begining),
>all kinds of hOmas, and yagnas, you are the
>one to be reached (mOksha), O my Lord,
>purandara viTala, you are the one who is beyond
>even the vEdAs (the one who cannot be known just
>by vEdAs either).
>In this song, sri purandara dAsa clarifies that
>God (shri hari) is everything and he can do good
>or bad to anyone he likes. So, we have to go for
>Him for anything.
>sakala graha bala nInE sarasijAkshA    |p|
>nikhila rakshaka nIne vishwavyApakanE  |a|
>Meaning :
>O Lord with eyes resembling lotus, you are the
>one who has powers of all grahAs (planets),
>and protects the entire universe. (which means
>there is no meaning if we pray shani/rAhu/kEtu
>etc without praying shri hari).
>ravi candra budha nInE rAhu kEtuvu nIne
>kavi guru shaniyu mangaLanu nInE
>divarAthriyu nIne nava vidhAnavu nIne
>bhavarOgahara nIne bEshajanu nInE       |1|
>Meaning :
>You are sun, moon, venus, or comets,
>saturn, or any other planet. You are
>day or night, you are the nine vidhAnAs
>(6 vedAngAs, mImAmsa, nyAya, vyAkaraNa),
>you are the physician who can cure 'bhava'
>disease (which makes us take birth in this
>pakshmAsavu nIne parva kAlavu nIne
>nakshatra yOga tithi karaNa nIne
>akshayavAgi draupatiya mAnakAyda
>pakshivAhana nIne rakshakanu nInE       |2|
>Meaning :
>You are the pakshamAsa (the month which
>is suitable to give tarpaNa to our
>forfothers), you  are the parva kAla (eclipse),
>you are good times or inauspicious times,
>you, the one who protected draupadi by
>giving infinite saree, are the one who
>has garuDa as your vehicle and protects everyone.
>rutu vatsaravu nIne pruthivigAdiyu nInE
>kratu hOma yagna sadgatiyu nInE
>jitavAgiyennoDeya purandara viTalane
>shrutige silukada apratima mahima nInE  |3|
>Meaning :
>You are rutu vatsara, ugAdi (year begining),
>all kinds of hOmas, and yagnas, you are the
>one to be reached (mOksha), O my Lord,
>purandara viTala, you are the one who is beyond
>even the vEdAs (the one who cannot be known just
>by vEdAs either).
>In this song, shri purandara dAsa has shown his
>immense faith in God. He says when he is
>meditating on the Lord nobody can even touch
>him let alone harm him.
>nA ninna dhyAna doLiralu mikka
>hIna mAnavarEnu mADa ballarO ranga      |p|
>Meaning :
>O Lord, when I am meditating on you,
>those people (who envy him and try to hurt his
>feelings) cannot ever do any harm to me
>maccarisuvarella kUDi mADuvudEnu
>accyuta ninadondu dayeyiralu
>vAtslya biDadiru ninna nambide dEva
>kiccige iruve muttuvude kELalO ranga    |1|
>Meaning :
>People who envy on me, cannot do anything to me,
>if your blessings in there on me
>Please continue to show me care
>O Lord, then, these people cannot dare
>touch me, like ants cannot touch fire.
>dhALili kudure vaiyAradi kuNiyalu
>dhULu raviya mEle musukuvude
>tALidavarige virudhdha lOkadoLuNTe
>gALige giriyu allADa ballude ranga      |2|
>Meaning :
>If a horse in a battle dances in fancy
>then does the dust cover the sun?
>Is there anything against patient people
>and can wind blow up a hill?
>kannaDiyOLagina gaNTu kaNDu kaLLa
>kannavikkavana vashvahude
>ninna nambalu muddu purandara viTala
>cinnakke puTaviTTante ahudu ranga       |3|
>Meaning :
>Can a thief burgle the treasure seen in
>the mirror? It is just like made gold
>shine better, that I keep faith in you,
>O purandara viTala (You are like Gold,
>my faith is like made Gold shine)
>Here is the sixth 'navaratna' from sri purandara dAsa.
>In this, he brings out nicely the playful acts of
>shri bAlakrishNa and His dress.
>bandanEne ranga bandanEne enna          |p|
>tande bAlakrishNa navanIta cOra         |a|
>Meaning :
>Did bAlakrishNa, my father, ranga,
>the butter thief, come to me? (asks yashOda)
>ghalu ghalu ghaluremba ponnandige gejje
>hoLe hoLe hoLe yuva pAdavanUruta
>nali nali nalidADuta ungura araLele
>thaLa thaLa thaLa hoLeyuta shri krishNa |1|
>Meaning :
>Did vAsudEva come with 'gejje' making the
>sound 'ghalu', with sparkling feet,
>with ring on his toe finger, with shining
>kiNi kiNi kiNI remba karada kankaNa
>jhaNa jhaNa jhaNa remba naDuvina ghaNTe
>dhaNa dhaNa dhaNa remba pAdada toDavina
>miNa miNa miNa kuNidADuta shri krishNa  |2|
>Meaning :
>Did He come with kaNkaNa (on the forehead),
>with bell on His pelvis, playing all
>hiDi hiDi hiDi yendu purandara viTalana
>duDu duDu duDu duDane ODuta
>naDi naDi naDI yendu pellane piDiyalu
>biDi biDi biDi dammayya ennuta shri krishNa  |3|
>If he has come, try to catch Him, do
>not allow him to run away again, when
>we ask Him to come, he will beg us
>to leave him. But do not do that!
>In this song, purandara dAsa has described
>uDupi shri krishNa.
>krishNamUrti kaNNa munde nintidantide   |p|
>kashTagaLellava pariharisi mana
>dishTArthagaLanella koTTu rakshisuvanta |a|
>Meaning :
>When we see (uDupi) krishNa, it looks as
>though sri krishNa himself is standing in front
>of us, who will protect us from all the difficulties,
>and giving as all our needs/likes.
>mastakadali mANikada kirITa
>kastUri tilakadi hOLeva lalATa
>shishtili koLalanUduva OrenOTa
>kaustubha eDabaladalli OlATa            |1|
>Meaning :
>He has got kirITa studded with gems
>on his head, kastUri tilaka on his forehead.
>He also has flute in his hand, and
>the gem (kaustuba) in his garland
>is moving both sides.
>maghamaghisuva sobagina suLiguruLu
>ciguru tulasi vanamAleya koraLu
>bagebage hoNNunguraviTTa beraLu
>sobagina nAbhiya tAvareyaraLu           |2|
>Meaning :
>He has got tuLasi garland, different
>types ornaments on his navel and fingers.
>uDudAra vaDyANa sakalAbharaNa
>beDagu pItAmbara shataravi kiraNa
>kadaga gaggara peNDeyaniTTu caraNa
>oDeya purandara viTTalana karuNa        |3|
>Meaning :
>He is been decorated with uDidAra on his
>abdomen, golden clothing which is shining
>like many suns, 'gejje' in his feet and
>that feet should do us some blessings.
>In this song, sri purandara dAsa has described the way
>shri krishNa dances on the hood of kALinga sarpa once
>in his childhood.
>ADidanO ranga adhbutadindali
>kALingana phaNiyali             |p|
>Meaning :
>ranga played on the hood of the kALinga
>incredibly (since He was a child then).
>pADidavarige bEDida varagaLa
>nIDutali dayamADutali nali
>dADutali beNNebEDutali krishNa  |a|
>Meaning :
>krishNa, was dancing on kALinga giving
>all the people their wants who prayed Him,
>asking for butter.
>amburuhOdbava akhiLasuraru kUDi
>ambaradali nintu avar stustise
>rambe Urvashi ramaNiyarellaru
>candadim bharata nAtyava naTise
>jhaM taTa taka dhiM tadhi niNi tOM endu
>jhampe tALadi tumburannoppise   |1|
>Meaning :
>In the skies, all the devatAs together started
>praying Him, apsarAs like rambe Urvashi started
>dancing bharatanATya playing jham taTa...
>suraru pushpavavrusTiya kareyalu
>sudatiyarellaru pADalu
>nAgakannikeyaru nAthana bEDalu
>nAnAvidadi stutimADalu
>rakkasarellaru kakkasavane kaNDu
>dikki dikkige ODalu             |2|
>Meaning :
>DevatAs showered flowers on Him, all the
>gOpIs sang in praise of the Lord, nAgakannikAs
>begged for mercy in various forms, asurAs
>seeing the scene fled in all directions.
>cikkavanivanalla purandara viTala
>venkaTaramaNa bEga yashOde
>binkadoLetti muddADe shri krishNa |3|
>Meaning :
>If this is done by (child) krishNa, He cannot
>be a (mere) small kid, He is purandara viTala,
>so, O yashOde, please come fast and caress Him.
>In this ninth and the last song (amongst navaratnagaLu),
>sri purandara dAsa is praying the Lord to come fast to him
>and bless him, since he wants to see Him as early as possible.
>(This song shows purandara dAsa's immense desire to
>see and love God, which is greatest qualities amongst
>ODi barayya vaikuNTa pati ninna
>nODuve mana daNiyA              |p|
>Meaning :
>Come fast O ranga, you are the king of
>vaikUNta, I want to see you upto my satisfaction.
>nODi matADi muddADi santOshadi
>pADi pogaLuvenO paramapurusha ninna |a|
>Meaning :
>I want to see you, talk to you, caress you,
>and then sing prasing your qualities in ecstacy.
>kendAvare polvA pAdagaLinda ranga
>dimi dimi dimi yendu naliyutali
>anduge kirugejje nalidADutA barO
>mangaLa mUruti parama purusha hari |1|
>Meaning :
>Your feet resembles lotus petals,
>come running and let your gejje
>make 'dimi dimi' sound, O Lord,
>you are the parama purusha.
>mangalAnga mohana kAya ranga
>sangEta lOla sadguNa shIlA
>anganeyarigella ati priyanAdanta
>mangaLa mUruti purandara viTTala  |2|
>Meaning :
>Your body is noble (without any faults),
>you are the lover of music, you have
>infinite qualities. All the ladies (gOpIs)
>around like you very much, so please come fast
>O purandara viTala.
>nere nambidhe madh hrudaya
>mantapa dOlu pariShObhisuthiru Sri pAnduranga
>sharana janara samsAra mahA bhaya
>harana karuna siri Sri pAnduranga
>Oh lord, I have belief in you,
>please come and reside in my heart
>with great brilliance, Sri pAnduranga
>The fear of samsAra is destroyed for those
>who have taken refuge in you, Sri pAnduranga
>neredhiha bahujana rOlu iDharu mana
>sthira vidu ninnali Sri pAnduranga
>pari pari kelasavu ninna mahA pooje
>nirutha yanage kodu Sri pAnduranga
>Although I may be in a group of people,
>please make my mind focussed at your great
>pAda, Sri pAnduranga
>All the work that is done, let it be your
>pooja, please give this mentality always, Sri
>para dEvane ninna leela smruthiyanu
>nirutha yanage kodu Sri pAnduranga
>pararApEkshaya bidisi niranthara
>paragathi patha thOru Sri pAnduranga
>The supreme lord, give me an opportunity
>to praise your leelas always, Sri pAnduranga
>Please do not make me to ask worldly things
>and please show me the path to vaikunta, Sri
>sukhavAgali bahu dhukhavAgali
>sakha nEnAgiru Sri pAnduranga
>nikhilAnthargatha sri vYasa vittala thava
>mukha pankaja thOrO Sri pAnduranga
>Whether I am happy or sad, please be my
>best friend, Sri pAnduranga
>Oh lord, the one who is present everywhere in
>this universe, please show me your beautiful face
>Sri pAnduranga.
>nere nambidhe ...
>aaneyu karadhare, Adi moola bandante
>Druva rAyara karadare, Sri Vaasudeva bandante
>Ajamila karadare, Narayana bandante
>Vibheshana karadare, Sri Rama bandante
>Prahlada rAyara karadare, Sri Naarasimha bandante
>shabheyalli droupathi karadare, Sri Krishna bandante
>ee dAsana dAsannu naa karadare, yenna pAliso purandara vittala
>aaneyu karadhare, Adi moola bandante
>Gajendra, the elephant, when he called out of great devotion,
>whose legs was caught tight by the Crocodile, Lord Adi Moola (Sri Hari)
>came ( during Krutha yuga) for his rescue,
>When Druva called, Sri Vaasudeva came for his rescue
>When Ajamila called, Sri Narayana came for his rescue
>When Vibheshana called, Sri Rama came for his rescue (Tritya yuga)
>Prahlada rAyara karadare, Sri Naarasimha bandante
>When Prahalada called, Sri Naarasimha came for his rescue
>In the court, when Droupathi called, Sri Krishna came for her
>rescue (during vastrabharana) (Dwapara yuga)
>When I call you Oh Lord Sri Hari, who is the servant of your
>servants, please come for my rescue Sri Purandara vittala (Kaliyuga).....
>indhina dhinave shubha dinavu
>indhina vAra shubha vaara
>indhina kAle shubha kAle
>indhina karana shubha karana
>indhina yoga shubha yoga
>indhina lagna shubha lagna
>indhu purandara vittala raayane, nenesidha dhinava shubha dhinavu
>Indhina means this day;  shubha means auspiciousness
>This verse is self explanatory, whatever time you pick to think of Sri
>Purandara vittala (Sri Hari, Vishnu), that time is the best muhurtha time.
>nAham kartA hariH kartA tatpUjA karmachaakhilam.h|
>taThaapi matkR^itaa pUja tatprasaadhEna naanyaThaa|
>tadbhakti tadphalam.h mahyam.h tatprasaadaat.h punaH punaH |
>karmanyaasO harAvevam.h vishNOsthR^iptikaraH sadhA ||
>"I am not the doer, shri Hari is the doer, all the actions that I do are His
>worship. Even then, the worship I do is through His grace and not otherwise.
>That devotion and the fruits of the actions that come to me are due to His
>recurring grace"
>If one always practices to do actions with a dedicated spirit to Hari, in
>this way, it pleases Vishnu.
>The  nine types of devotion (Navavidha bhakthi) to Vishnu are
>Shravana, Kirtana, Smarana, Padasevena,
> Archana, Vandana, Dasya, Sakhyam, Atmanivedanam
>shrI vishhNostu shravane parIxidabhavat.h |
>vaiyAsakiH kIrtane prahlAdassmaraNe ||
>tadanghribhajane laxmiH pR^ithuH pUjane |
>akrUrastvabhivandane kapipatirdAsye cha ||
>sakhye.arjunaH sarvasvAtmanivedane |
>balirabhUt.h kaivalyameshhAm phalam.h ||
>shravana - parIxit
>kIrtana - Shuka maharshhi
>smaraNa - Prahlada
>pAdasevana - Laxmi
>archana - pR^ithu (king)
>vandana - akrUra
>dAsya - Hanuman
>sakhya - Arjuna
>Atmanivedana - Bali
>naranaadha mele..
>hari naama jighve yolu gira beku
>kaama krodava taa bida beku
>taapaka vellava kaleyalu beku
>maatu maatige hari yenna beku..
>veda shastrava oodalu beku
>bodi tatvava tiliyalu beku
>maadhavana smarane maadalu beku
>tande krishna daya padeyabeku
>banda dhella sukha padabeku
>chandaagi jagadolagira beku
>Naranada mele
>harinama jihveyolira beku
>Bhootadaya paranagira beku
>patakavellava kaleyali beku
>mathumathige hari yenna beku
>aaruvargavanu aliyali beku
>moorugunangala meerali beku
>seri brahmanolu ira beku
>vedashastravanu odalu beku
>bhedaahankarava neegali beku
>madhava smaraneyolirabeku
>Shanti kshamedame pidiyali beku
>bhranti krodhava kaleyali beku
>shantara sangadolira beku
>Guruvina charanake eragali beku
>tarunopaya vanariyali beku
>viraktimargadalira beku
>Bandaddundu sukhisa beku
>nindastutigala talali beku
>tande purandaravittala ena beku
>kangalidhyAtako kAveri rangana nodadha
>jagangaLoLage mangala mUruthi
>ragana shriipadangala nodadha
>enthigAdaromme janaru
>bandu bhUmiyalli ninthu
>chandrapushkaraNi snAnava mAdi
>anandha dindadali rangana nodadha
>haripAdodaka sama kAveri
>virajAnadi snAnava mAdi
>parama vaikunTa ranga mandhira
>paravAsudevana nodatha
>haara heera vaijayanthi
>tora muttina hArava dharisi
>tera neri bIdili mereva
>rangavittalana nodadha

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