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Oppiliappan List Archive: Message 00148 Apr 2008

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Dear Members,

Satya Harishchandra is the epic potrayal of Raja Harishchandra by Dr Rajkumar. 
It has now been released in colour by KCN Gowda, the producer.

It is in Kannada. But nevertheless, it is a must watch movie given it's 
stunningly accurate portrayal and the acting of Dr Rajkumar.

The plight of Raja Harishchandra was once commented upon by Dr D V Gundappa 
(Kannada writer / intellectual) thus:

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A contest in Indra's celestial court between Viswamitra and Vasishta,
Led to a lot of misery to Harischandra on Earth. [1]
Unwanted distress can come suddenly from somewhere:
The way of Karma is devious indeed. --Mankuthimma

[1] One day, Indra, King of the heavens, asked in his court whether there were 
any truthful men left on Earth. Sage Vasishta named King Harischandra; sage 
Vishwamitra disagreed and wanted to prove Vasishta wrong. So he put the earthly 
king to a lot of agony in order to test him. The virtuous king remained 
steadfast and truthful, however, and everybody praised him in the end.

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