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Dear Aasthikaas:

The NyAsa Soothrams have been aurthored by 
Oppiliappan Koil Dr.V.N.VedAntha Desikan ,
a long time friend and neighbor . These Suthrams 
hjave been blessed by HH Srimath Poundarikapuram 
Andavan Himself.

These SoothrAs  appeared as anubhandham to 
Sri NyAsa Thrayee an Aasramam releleas 
( April 3 , 2006) on .   

We will now continue with the rest of the NyAsa SoothrAs 
from the First chapter ( 33-56):

33) Sadh Vidyaadhaya: upAsana roopaa: , bhinnAsccha 
       parumthu naabhakthabhEdhAdhithi 

(Meaning): Sadh Vidhyai et al give fruit thru practise in Bhakthi yOgam.
These VidhyAs ( UpAsanAs) are not different from one other among 
Brahma VidhyAs in core principles .

34) Thaasccha nyAsa vidhyaa cha vivichya jn~Eyaa:
       abhAktha bhEdhAdhihti

(Meaning): NyAsa Vidhya however is distinctly different from 
the Vidhyais relating to UpAsanaa such as Sadh Vidhyaa , 
Dhahara Vidhyaa ,PanchAgni Vidhyaa et al.  

35) UpAsana Vidhyaa prArabdhEtarE puNya-paapE hanthy ,
       MokshO dhruvam sidhdayathi, bhAvi kaalE bhAvijanmani
       vaa, kim thu KaalavisEshE

(Meaning): All vidhyaas based on Upaasanaa (Bhakthi yOgam) will
destroy all sins and PuNyams ecxcept PrArabhdham .Through that act , 
upAsanaa anushtAnam will lead to Moksham .The Moksham that 
results may not be in this birth.

36) NyAsa Vidhyaa thu prArabdhasyApi ghAthinee , prakrutha-
       janmAnthimakshaNa yEvaavadhi: mukthayE

(Meaning): NyAsa Vidhyaa however will destroy even PrArabdha Karam 
even in this birth and assure Moksham at the end of one's life here . 

37) jAthyAdhya niyamAth sarvAdhikAra: prapadhanE

(Meaning): In the case of Prapathti , there is no restrictions based
on the practioner of this UpAyam . Every one can practise . Bhakthi 
Yogam is recommended only for the the three of the four varNams.  

38) asAvupAya: (nyAsa:) siddhussAdhya ithu dhvEdhaa 
       vibhajyathE soukaryAya 

(Meaning):The Prapatthi yOgam has been classified into 
SiddhOpAyam and SaadhyOpAyam .

39) SiddhOpAya: Sriya: pathirEva, Phalamatha ithyukthathvAth
      ( Brahama Soothram :III.2.37)

(Meaning): SiddhOpAyam is recognized as Sriya: Pathi , who alone
grants the PrApyam ( Phalan) of Moksham .

40)SaadhyOpayaa: yaj~nOpAsana Tapa:--pramukhA: bhakthiyOgE

(Meaning): It is accepted that Yaaga , Yaj~nam and Tapas are helpful
for Bhakthi yOga anushtAnam . 

41) prapatthou thu saadhyOpAya: prapadhana-karmaiva

(Meaning):Prapatthi is SaadhyOpAyam with five angams 
and does not need the help of anything else .

42) karmAdhi kshaAdhvamsi, karmaNaa preethO BhagavAnEva
       phalam dhadhAthi

(Meaning):All observances including Prapatthi has the tendency 
to be destroyed in a second.Therefore, the mere observance of
Prapatthi will not yield fruits directly .Only the Lord pleased with
that anushtAnam can grant the fruits of Prapatthi.  

43) nyAsOpAya: laagavAth vyAja yEvEhti maanya:

(Meaning): NyAsOpAyam is that simple .It is completed in a very 
little time. Therefore , it is described as just a vyAjam (stand in 
or excuse) for gaining the grand phalan of Moksham . 

44) Idhrusa laghUpAyEna chaiva Sriya: Pathim vaseekarthum
       Sakyamithi chintamamEva athyantha manOj~nam .

(Meaning): One is overwhelmed with the thought of endearing oneself 
to the Lord with such a simple and easy to practise , non-time consuming
act .

45) alpishDa karmaithath mahAviswAsa-apEkshayaathimahathsyAnam

(Meaning): This simplest of acts becoming the most celebrated is 
because of the most important Prapatthi angam of Mahaa ViswAsam.

46) Yaj~nAdhivath bhakthirapi vividha Phala dhAthri chEtana-

(Meaning):The acts of Yaj~naa and Bhakthi yOgam have the power to
yield different fruits.

47) Tadhvath Prapatthirapi

(Meaning): Similar to the above  is Prapatthi.

48) Prapadhanam sakrudhEva ti asakruthva karaNam vaarayanniva
       dhivya Moorthy: mudhrAm dharathE , bhAvukAnAm manOhAriNeeyam

(Meaning): Prapatthi (for Moksham) has to be observed only once. One can
take the cue from the Lord's abhaya Mudhrai , which asks us to stop performing
Prapatthi more than once.

49) akinchanO yadhi bhagrAvavataratE tarhi tasya bhuddhE:
       dhourbalya kaashtaanumEyaa 

(Meaning):If a simple minded person engages in the anushtAnam of
Bhakthi yOgam , it shows his utter ignorance to choose that rigorous
method .

50) Prapadhanasya sakruth-kathavyathA sakalAdhana-nAsakthvam
       dhrAkprApya SrivaikuntAnubhava: viwAsa prathihanyamAna 
       SankhA panchakathvam yEthE Bhagavatha: Sriman NaarayaNathvEna
       siddhayanthi .

(Meaning): Prapatthi has many unique distinctions: (1) It has to be observed
only once , (2) It destroys all sins at the end of Prapathti, (3) It has the 
power to
grant residence in Sri Vaikuntam , (4) It removes the five doubts  about 
Prapatthi being fruitful.All of these are made possible because of
the power of Sriman NaarAyaNan .

51) asya Krupayaiva karthavyam sakrudhEva sarvam kalusham
       hanthy BrahmaSaadhisudhrlabham Paramapadhamapi dhrAgEva 
       prapannasya hasthApachEyam bhavathy BhavathO guNavisEshA: 
       KaaruNya-VaathsalyAdhaya anugrAhakaa:

(Meaning): Prapatthi anushtAnam is to be done once for MOksham .
It destroys Sanchitha and PrArabdha paapams. It hands one the SthAnam
of Sri Vaikuntam , which is not easily attainable even by the likes of Brahma
Devan . 

52) KaarpaNya-svaroopa-saalinaa chEtanEna " akinchanamasaktham 
       Maam Prapatthou niyOkthum mantrarathnOcchAraNa-mananAdhibhi:
       yOgyam kruthvaa ujjeevayathy MamAchArya yEvEthi" sathatham 

(Meaning) : The Prapannan has to think constantly about the greatness of 
AchAryan for enhancing his ruchi (taste) for Prapatthi and initiated him into
the proper recitation of the Manthra rathnam ( Dhvayam) and blessed him 
with the Meanings of Dhvayam. A Prapannan , who recognizes his helplessness
(Aakinchanyam) and stays free from ego has to celebrate the AchAryan , 
who redeemed him . 

53) andha-pangu-RaajasEvakArbhaka-nethibhi: chEtana: kascchith 
       karuNApUrNEnaachAryENa naavikaadhibhiriva neeyathE , 
       BHagavath prApthi: niscchayabhAvinee bhUyAth.

(Meaning): The blind , the lame , the servant of a king and 
the infant can cross  effortlessly the river with the help of 
a Boatman . Similarly , a SadAchAryan helps the helpless
cross the samsAra Saagaram ( the fearsome ocean of SamsAram). 

54) Dhannjaya-VibheeshaNayO: Bhagavathuktha-vachanAbhyAm 
       Bhagavathaa RaamAnujEna SriranganATAllabhdha -prathyayEna 
       cha tasTa SrIvaikuntagadhya nishkarshENa cha chEtanaa
       vayam tath sambhAndhAth anugraha paathra bhUthaa: bhavEma.

(Meaning): Arjuna and VibhIshaNa benefitted from SaraNAgathy
through the assurance given by the Lord ; RaamAnujar recieved such
a word of assurance from the Lord of Srirangam ( Refer to SaraNAgathy 
Gadhyam). Raamanuja assured us that one can be redeemed in Vaikuntam
through the performance of Prapatthi.Due to the above examples and our 
links to Bhagavath RaamAnuja ,we have hope in being eligible for 

55) ParamparAptham Yeedhrusa bhAgadhEyAspadham labdhvaa
       alpa vasthu laabhAya naaDEth nAnyan bhikshEtha.

(meaning): When we have got this Prapatthi anushtAnam just as ancestral 
property , it is not appropriate to run from hither to thither or beg people for
insubstantial things  . 

56) Moola Mantra  nirdhishta sEshathva sahitham Paaratantryam
       anuchinthya Kaimkaryaroopam PurushArTam anubhUya 
       jeevitha sEsham nayEth .

(meaning): We should possess the awareness of the Seshathvam 
( being the unconditional servant  of the Lord ) .We should have
the Paaratantrya bhAvam ( that we are not independent agents).
We should excell in kaimkaryam for the Lord , His BhAgavathALs 
and our AchAryans . This is the ultimate goal of a Prapannan 
during his remaining days on this earth , while awaiitng to join
the Lord in Sri Vaikuntam to serve Him there with blemishless
Kaimkaryams .

The End of the Jign~yAsa adhyAyam .

We will next study the 20 Soothrams of anga vichAra adhyAyam.

RaamAnuja Daasan , Oppiliappan Koil V.Sadagopan 



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