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Dear BhakthAs of Swamy Desikan :

With the 926th Sahasra Naamam , Thirukkudanthai
Desikan shifts His attention to SaadhyOpAya sOdhanAdhikAram
of Srimath Rahasya Thrayam of Swamy Desikan .

SiddhOpAyam is the eternal Sriman NaarAyaNan ,
who is ready to grant MOksham for one  who performs 
either the Bhakthi or Prapatthi Yogam . It is an UpAyam
that exists beore we can engage in Bhakthi or Prapatthi
yOgam . This SiddhOpAyam is a cardinal one among
the UpAyams .

SaadhyOpAyam is one , which can be pursued by us ,
the chEthanams for gaining  Moksham  from the ever
merciful SiddhOpAyan , who is waiitng for us to approach
Him with the request for rakshaNam . This upAyam is
Saadhyam ( doable ) for us .   

The SaadhyOpAyams of Bhakthi and Prapatthi remove
the anger of the Lord over our trespasses and create
anugraha sankalpam towards us.

Swamy DEsikan describes the SarvalOKa SaraNyan
granting Moksha Sukham for those who perform Bhakthi 
or Prapatthi yOgam (SaadhyOpAyam ) this way :

YaTAdhikaraNam Prabhu: yajana dhAna  hOmArchana
BHARANYAASA bhAvanA prabhruthibhi: SamArAdhitha:
Phalam disathi dehinAmithi hi sampradhAya sTithi:
Sruthi-Smruthi-GurUkthibhi: nayavatheebhi: aabhAthi na:

(Meaning ) : The Lord , who is powerful to grant us the Phalan 
of Moksham becomes pleased with the performance of
karmaas prescribed for  their own VarNAsramams such as Yaagam , 
DhAnam , Homam , archanai , Prapatthi anushtAnam or Bhakthi yOgam
and blesses the embodied ones release from the cycles of births and
deaths . This fundamental truth about the state of our SampradhAyam
becomes clear to us through the pramANams linked to Vedam ,
Smruthi and AchArya Sri Sookthis . ( Among these upAyams ,
all irrespective of VarnAsramam , gender , age are eligible to perform
the SaadhyOpAyam of Prapatthi to recieve the Lord's anugraham ).

It is very important for us to gain a clear comprehension of
the Svaroopam of Prapatthi as one of the two SaadhyOpAyams
for Moksha Siddhi . There are a lot of confusions about its true
nature . In this SaadhyOpAya AdhikaraNam , Swamy Desikan 
refers to the many criticisms against Prapatthi and answers 
them all to our full satisfaction as the most compassionate 
AchAryan . During this process, Swamy  Desikan chases away
all of our confusions about Prapatthi and its power .

Swamy  Desikan defines SaraNAgathy ( Prapatthi , BharanyAsam )
as the total belief ( MahA ViswAsam )  expressed through 
the utterance of Dhvaya manthram to gain the cool shade of 
the sacred feet of Sriman NaarAyaNan accompanied by Sri Devi :

NaarAyaNam SalakshmIkam prApthum taccharaNadhvayam
upAya ithi viswAso dhvayArTa: SARANAAGATHY 

The CharaNa Dhvayam ( the pair of feet of the Lord ) is reached 
by the performance of the anushtAnam/upAyam of SaraNAgathy
through the utterance of the dhvya manthram . 

Swamy Desikan quotes the Mugdhaka Vaakyam of AchArya 
RaamAnuja about the defenition of Prapatthi in this context of
SaadhyOpAyam :

"Prapatthir-ViswAsa: , sakruth prArTanA-mAthrENa 
 apEkshitham dhAsyatheethi ViswAsa-poorvakam 
 prArTanAmithi yaavath "

(Meaning ): Prapatthi is ViwAsam (i-e)., SarvalOka SaraNyan 
will grant what we seek through the prayer performed only
once with MahA ViswAsam .

Swamy  Desikan quotes in SaadhyOpAya sOdhanAdhikAram ,
the utterance of Bharatha Muni on the nature of Prapatthi 
as a SaadhyOpAyam directed to the competent and powerful
SiddhOpAyan , SarvEswaran :

ananyasAdhyE svAbheeshDE MahA-viswaasa poorvakam

(Meaning ): When one recognizes that the desired phalan is 
unrealizable   through approaching others ( incompetent ones) , 
then one performs Prapatthi  , which is nothing but  prayer to 
One with full faith and requesting that  truly powerful One 
to serve as the UpAyam for protection . That is the act of 
Prapatthi/SaraNAgathy .  

Thirukkudanathai Desikan , who is considered as 
an incarnation of Swamy Desikan (born some 300 years
ago) Summarizes in 27 Desika Sahasra NaamAs 
the central messages of SaadhyOpAya SodhanAdhikaaram
of Srimath Rahasya Thraya Saaram .

Before adiyEn covers these 27 Sahasra Naamams , adiyEn 
will translate Dr.V.N.VedAntha Desikan's Tamil Summary of
SiddhOpAya sOdhanAdhikAram to get a grip on the objections
raised against Prapatthi and the naswers (SamAdhAnams) 
for those objections .  
Swamy Desikan ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam ,
Daasan , Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri Sadagopan
Srimate Sri Laksminrisimha Divya Paduka Sevaka
SrivaNN Satakopa Sri NaarayaNa Yatindra Mahadesikaya Nama:

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