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Dear BhakthAs :
The 11 SlOkams of SrI Sthavam have now been covered .
adiyEn will move on to Sri Vaikunta Sthavam . This magnificent
Sthavam of KurEsar has 100 slOkams and has the SaarArthams
(essential menaings of Sri BhAshyam passages ) and therefore
it has been recommended as a must to study by us .
Before we start a study on Sri Vaikunta Sthavam ,
may I appeal to you to support atleast one day of
the AarAdhanam at ThUppul ( Rs.1,500 or $35 ) .
Your support for the Multiple days of AarAdhanam
is also most welcome . Please contact me to help
you with the routing of your tax deductible funds to
continue with the AarAdhanam thru the development of
a core fund .
The Structure of Sri Vaikunta Sthavam  
1) The First slOkam is a magnificent tribute to EmperumAnAr
by KurEsar . This slOkam is the one that we use daily :
" yO nithyamachyutha padhAmbhuja yugamarugma " .
(2 )& (3) : These two slOkams offer prayer to recieve the anugraham of
Swamy  NammAzhwAr in the efforts to compose SrI Vaikunta Sthavam .
4) Salutatiomns to Sriman NaarAyaNan , the Jagan-MangaLa JyOthi :
the Svayam JyOthi .
(5) Prayer for the Lord to appear before the Kavi with His Dhivya
MangaLa Vigraham .
(6) Salutations to the DhivyAthma Svarooapm of the Lord .
(7) Description of the Vaathsalyam of the Lord for His BhakthAs .
(8) KurEsar's discomfort about his ability to engage in the task of
eulogizing the Lord .
(9) Declaration of his (KurEsar's) determination to make a feeble
attempt to eulogize a miniscule of the Lord's limitless glories .
(10) Salutations to the Lord's foremost attribute : KshamA ( forbearance) .
We will study the Sri Vaikunta Sthava slOkams few at a time :
First SlOkam of SrI Vaikunta Sthavam
yO nithyamachyutha padhAmbhuja-yugma-rukma-
  vyAmOhathas-tadhirANi thruNAya mEnE
asmadh-gurOr-bhagavathoasya dayaikasindhO:
  RaamAnujasya charaNou SaraNam prapadhyE 
(Meaning): adiyEn has sought the refuge of the sacred feet of
AchArya RaamAnujA , the huge ocean of Mercy  and who possesses 
the celebrated six guNams of BhagavAn Himself .  He considered
every thing else other than the golden pair of the lotus feet of Achyuthan ,
as worthless blades of grass . He is our illustrious AchAryan , who chases
away the dark night of nescience (ajn~Anam) suffered by the ThoNDar
Kulam (  BhAgavatha GhOshti) . 
(Comments) : ANDAL addressed Her Lord in ThiruppAvai and 
requested Him to hear Her celebration of His golden pair of sacred feet :
" unn poRRAmarai adiyE pORRum poruL kELAi " . KurEsar takes his cue
from here and describes the matchless sacred feet of the Lord , which are
the bhOgya vasthu ( object of enchantment ) for AchArya RaamAnujA
as : " Achyutha padhAmbhuja yugma rukma  vyAmOhatha: "  .
KurEsar addresses AchArya RaamAnuja in the first slOkam as 
" Bhagavatha: " (ShAdguNya SampUrNa BhagavAn)  . AchArya RaamAnuja
was a SanyAsi with ThridhaNDam . Why does KurEsar call him as "BhagavAn " ?
The clue is that both BhagavAn and AchArya RaamAnuja are " Trayyantha
samrakshakars " (protectors of the VedAs) in SanyAsi roopam holding
the ThridhaNDams (MukkOl Munivar) . In DattAthrEya avathAram ,
BhagavAn appeared as a SanyAsi  carrying the ThridhaNDam
and protected the three Vedams ( ThridhaNDa dhAriNA poorvam
VishNunA rakshithA Thrayee ). In Kali yugam , AchArya RaamAnuja
took on SanyAsa Aasramam and defended the VedAs through
his Sri Sookthis (Sri BhAshyam , VedAntha dheepam ,
VedAntha Saaram et al).
" Dayaika SindhO:  asmath GurO: RaamAnujasya "  : BhagavAn gets
angry at times over the limitless trespasses of His Saasthrams by
the jeevans ( kRodham Aaharayath theevram ) and makes nigraha
sankalpam ( vow to punish the erring jeevan) . AchArya RaamAnujA
on the other hand never gets angry at us and is an ocean of  Dayaa
and Vaathsalyam in correcting our errors and showing us the path of
redemption ( ujjevanam) .
Second SlOkam of SrI Vaikunta Sthavam 
thraividhya vruddha-jana moordha-vibhUshaNam yath
  sampaccha sAthvika-janasya yadhEva nithyam
yadhvaa SaraNyam asaraNya-janasya puNyam
  tath samsrayEma VakuLAbharaNa angri-yugmam
(Meaning) : May we , who have no other refuge , be blessed to  
attain the impeccably pure(sacred) feet of Swamy NammAzhwAr
adorning the garland of VakuLa pushpams !  His sacred pair
of feet is the lasting crown for the heads of poorvAchAryAs
( AlavanthAr , RaamaanujA and NaaTa Muni) ; Those pair of feet of
Swamy NammAzhwAr is the wealth for those , who are the abodes 
for Satthva guNam .
SrivathsAnkAcchAr Swamy points out that one can hear the echos of
the passages from Swamy AlavanthAr's and AchArya RaamAnujA's
Sri Sookthis in this and other slOkams .
Third SlOkam of Sri Vaikunta Sthavam
bhakthi  prabhAva  bhavathadhbhutha-bhAva-Bandha
  sandhukshitha praNayasAra rasouka poorNa:
vEdArTa ratnanidhi: Achyutha-hivya dhAma
   jeeyAth ParAnkusa payOdhiraseemabhUmA
Swamy NammAzhwAr (ParAnkusar)  of limitless glories
is compared here to the auspicous Milky Ocean and is hailed
for eternal rememberance by all of us ( aseema bhUmaa
ParAnkusa PayOdhi: jeeyAth ) . PallANDU is sung for the milky
ocean of Swamy NammAzhwAr , who is the abode of lustrous
gems representing the essence of VedAs ( VedArTa rathna nidhi: ) .
He is recognized as the living place for BhagavAn (Achyutha
Dhivya dhAma ) and as one , who is  full of  divine love for the Lord ,
which found its outlet as Paasurams renowned for their Para Bhakthi ,
Para Jn~Anam and Parama Bhakthi .  
The trinity of the waters from the  river , springs and rain
join together to make the combined waters of the mighty ocean .
Similarly , the intensity of the bhakthi of Swamy NammAzhwAr 
for BhagavAn transformed into nava rasa anubhavams and flowed 
as his divine paasurams . The three sources of flow into the Milky 
Ocean are Swamy NammAzhwAr's Para Bhakthi ( Bhakthi prabhAvam) ,
Para Jn~Anam ( BhAva bhandha: ) and Parama Bhakthi ( PraNaya Saara:). 
Swamy KurEsar ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam ,
Daasan Oppiliappan KOil VaradAchAri Sadagopan
SrI NaarAyaNa YathIndhra MahA DesikAya Nama: 

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