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Oppiliappan List Archive: Message 00041 Feb 2005

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kaDavuLEA ...
The term 'kaDavuL' indicates the Supreme Being.   This being so, one would expect this term to be found frequently in our aruLich cheyal. But  we can see this term rarely. Perhaps, this rarity itself makes the term more valuable.
sri nam-AzhwAr uses this term more than once in thiruvAsiriyam
..mAyak kaDavuL mA-mudhal aDiyEa--- 4
..mudhal perum kaDavuL niRpa---6 ;
Sri thirumangai mannan also gives us this sacred term sparingly,.
the thriumAl-irum-sOlai  is called
"sudar mudik kaDavuL tham kOil" periya thiru-mozhi 9-8-2;
kaliyan exclaims on seeing the kAvaLam pADi Lord as
"kaDavuLEA! kAvaLam thaN pADiyAi!" 4-6-5;
A sacred and rare word indeed.
vanamamalai padmanabhan

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