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Sri Parthasarathi thunai

Srimathe ramanujaya Namaha

Srimad Vara Vara MunayE namaha

Sri Vanachala mahA munayE namaha


Not being able to withstand the sorrow state of the gopis, nappinnai who was filled with grace and who considered herself to be one among the bhagavata ghosti, now joined the gopis outside to awaken krishna in the 21st paasuram (Ettrakkalangal edir pongi meedhalippa) Here the vyakhyana kartha beautifully shows the similarity between krishna and the cows that are taken care by gopalan with love.  These cows flood gokulam with plenty of milk filling any vessel placed underneath irrespective of the sizes of the vessels.


Emperuman waits only for the acceptance signal from the jeevatma to come to its rescue “rakshApEkshAm prateekshathE” Similarly these cows wait only for the vessels to be placed underneath.  After lending what all-possible emperuman credits the baddha jeevatmas for accepting the help from him “vudArA sarvaEvaithE” (All are great philanthropists).  Similarly these cows nourish the lives of all the gopalas but consider the gopalans to be their masters.  Emperuman after doing all sorts of cheap things for the sake of his devotees still considers himself to have done nothing “ruNam pravruththamiva mE” (Drowpathi’s pitiful voice shouting for help still makes me feel as a person who is indebted) similarly the cows fill all the vessels placed underneath and never feel satisfied for what they have done.


(maRRAdhE pAl soriyum) Even if there is no one to milk the cows, the cows still shower milk out of their own like krishna who showered all divine arthas to arjuna even when he did not ask for the same (“bhooya yEva mahAbhAho srunu”) If even cows due to the divine touch of krishna gain his qualities what to say about bhagavatas who have surrendered to the divine feet of emperuman due to his divine grace.  Is it anything surprising?


(To be continued)


Azhvar emperumAnAr Jeeyer thiruvadigalE sharaNam

Adiyen ramanuja dAsee

Sumithra Varadarajan



































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