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Oppiliappan List Archive: Message 00108 Feb 2005

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Dear Sabitha :
The Salt is not taken beyond the Garudan Sannidhi .
It is offered as a PrArthanai to remove various ills.
Thus the issues related to taking the Salt upto Garudan Sannidhi
but not beyond respects the promise made by the Lord during
the time of His marriage to BhUmi DEvi .
This custom as you know is tied to the incident described
in the Sthala PurANam , where Bhagavaan makes a promise to
MaarkanDEya Maha Rishi to grant permission for the Lord to marry
his daughter BhUmi DEvi to Him ( the Lord , who appeared as
a old man seeking the hand of the 5 year old BhUmi DEvi) .  
Similar offering of salt is made at Sri Vaidhya VeerarAghavan Sannidhi at
ThiruveLLUr .
----- Original Message -----
From: sabitha c
Sent: Monday, February 21, 2005 1:53 PM
Subject: Garuda Seva at Oppiliappan

Respected Sir,
   I read somehwhere that salt could be offered to Lord Garuda at the Garuda Sannidhi. Elsewher, I read that salt should be not taken into the temple. How do you reconcile these 2 statements, or, could you?  This info is required for a group of kids who are working on a temple project. I am writing on their behalf. A reply from you would be very much appreciated.
Thank you

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