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Oppiliappan List Archive: Message 00106 Feb 2005

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Dear All,




aDiyEn would like to apologize at the fore front for the break in postings on the elephant in the eastern direction in our sampradayam. aDiyEn recently got married, and request you all to shower your blessings. Let us further enjoy the vaibhavam of Sowrirajan in this posting of the series.


There was an archakar who was highly devoted to this perumal. One fine day, late in the evening a king planned to worship the Saranya Mukundan. A family came to worship the perumal prior to his visit. The Archakar gave the only garland on the perumal to that family as a mark of blessing. Hearing about the king?s visit, the archakar immediately went to that family?s house and got back that garland. During the king?s visit, the archakar presented the same garland. The next day, king noticed hair in that garland and rushed to the temple for explanantion. The archakar told him that it was the hair of perumal. On investigating further, the king found sowri kondai on Perumal. In order to protect his bhakta, Thirukkannapuram Perumal became Sowrirajan. This is one of the reasons given for his thirunamam.


Pongal is another interested thing related to this Divya Desam. Once, the entire place suffered from drought. The king had some pongal at home. It was very late in the evening before he started eating it. He stood in his house facing the direction of the Perumal and offered that to him before consuming it. The next day, when the sannidhi was opened, he was surprised to notice that pongal was spilled all along the path towards Moolavar sannidhi, and also on the thirumukha mandalam of Moolavar. Since then, Pongal is offered to this Perumal every day in the evening. The preparation part is very interesting. The ghee is made in front of Perumal. The pongal is made in the proportion of 5:3:2 for rice, moong dhall (pasi paruppu) and ghee.  


All the above vaibhavams are only good to hear, but never give us the ultimate one, anubhavam, which is what we, the SriVaishnavites need. Let us get into the reality, the anubhavam with the Azhwar?s pasurams on Sowrirajan in the following postings.




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