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Dear BhakthAs : For your Information & Follow Up.
----- Original Message -----

Dear members of the group,


Please go thro' the forwarded mail of Sri Sadagopan Swamy about the  availability of the e-journal ?Purna-kumbha?, released by HH Rangapriya Swamigal, on the occasion of the centenary celebrations of Sri U.Ve, Parankushacharya, the revered father of Veda Varidhi, U.Ve. Dr. P.Ramanujan, the asthana vidvan of Ahobila Mutt.


Dr. Ramanujan doesn?t need any introduction.  When sage Valmiki asked  Naradar, ?kOnvasmin sAmprataM lokE guNavAn kashcha vIryavAn dharmajnashcha krtajnashcha satyavakyOdrDhavrata: ???, the answer then, was ? RAMA?. Same way, if anyone were to question as, ?is there anyone,  who is an authority in the field of Vedas, vedangas etc etc?  who is a master of divyaprabandhams, a  doyen in the field of  dharmashastras? a strict follower of Vaidika anushThanams ?  a kind guru who takes pleasure in teaching his disciples any time without bothering about his own convenience? an unparalleled scholar of Sanskrit,Tamil etc? and many more like this, THE ANSWER WOULD BE ?Sri. RAMANUJAN?.


There is a slokam in Kalidasa's Raghuvamsha mahakavyam, which talks about the greatness of King Dilipa, as the one who attained vrddhatava (old age) in his youth, thro' his limitless knowledge, being unperturbed by the worldly pleasures and always indulging in dharma, "anArkshTasya vishayai: vidyAnAm pAradrshvana: tasya dharmaratE: asIt ""vrddhatvam jarasA vinA"". The same applies to Dr Ramanujan also.

In a nutshell, it is not at all an exaggeration, if I say, like Swamy Vedanta Deshika, Dr Ramanujan is a doyen in all fields. He is blessing the people of Bangalore thro? his unparalleled kalakshepams, while also contributing extensively to our sampradayam in many ways including thro'CDAC, where he is heading a division.

This souvenir ?Purna-kumbha? is a collection of beautiful articles by the greatest scholars of the day, including the current day Srikaryam swamins and asthana vidvans, vidvans like Dr NSA, Vidvan Ramanuja Tatacharya, Vidvan K.S.Varadacharya and many others.  Dr Ramanujan?s foreword speaks the contents of this. Those who wish to acquire a  copy of this may do so by paying an amount of US $ 5 online and get this as an email attachment.


Many thanks to Sriman Sadagopan swamy and Sri Sriram for their help in getting this uploaded and making available online.


For more details, please read the forwarded mail of Sri Sadagopan swamy.



Ramanuja dasi,


98455 48900.

Note: forwarded message attached.

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--- Begin Message ---


Dear Devotees interested in Veda RakshaNam
(Protection , preservation and propagation to 
future generations  of the VedAs in a distortion-free 
manner ) :

It is my pleasure to invite your attention to the following 
web Pages relating to Veda RakshaNam :

the above hyperlink is in the Journals section .

Background Information on ParAnkusAchar Institute for Vedisc Studies
As background , Vaikunta Vaasi , GhanapaThi Sri U.Ve. SohatthUr
ParankusAcchAr Swamy had a Centenary Celebration during Jan 19 , 2005.
Sri SohatthUr Swamy was a compassionate , modest and erudite AchAryan ,
who lit the lamp of Vedic and SaasthrEic knowledge  in Many VidhyArTees .
He lived a humble life as an Aadharsa Purushar . His Vaibhavam as
a Scholar and AchAryan is celebrated in the electroic Journal , PoorNa Kumbham
where a who is who among  group of illustrious contemporary VaishNavite 
Scholars and AchAryAs  pay their tributes and recall the comprehensive 
of Sri ParankusAcchAr Swamy . There are some 35 articles in the languages of
Tamil , Sanskrit , English and Kannadaa that cover Sri ParAnkusAcchAr's 
superb accomplishments . A four page long foreword on the content of this 
e-book is  accessible thru one or other of the above two web pages  . Please 
refer to
the three items covered in the above web pages :

1. Foreword on the Content of the E-Journal , PoorNa Kumbham

2. Proposed activities of ParaankusAcchAr Institute of Vedic Studies (PIVS) ,
    Bangalore , Karnataka .

3. The Bio-data of the Founder Trsutee of PIVS , Veda Vaaridhi Dr. P.Ramanujan 
    of Bangalore , Karnataka .

The methodology to down load the PoorNa Kumbha souvenir for
a modest sum of 5$ or Rs.100 in India is included in the above URLs.

Current & Long Term Research Activities of PIVS
In addition to the release of the e-book , the PIVS founded in 1996 
has dedicated itself to the following long term research  tasks at
its head quarters in Bangalore under the leadership of Dr.P.Ramanujan :

1. Teaching of Vedas 

2. Digital Content Creation for a variety of rare books that are out of print ,
    which define the distortion free propagation of VedAs in Gjhanam , Jata ,
    dhvajam , rEkhA and other formats . Furhter , PIVS will also conduct 
research on 
    Sroutha Soothraas , Mahaa Bhaaratham ( Data Base : Text , word-split , 
    andsyntactis tagging ) , Sri BhAshyam & its commentaries by AchAryAs 
    ( Srutha PrakAsikaa , Bhaava PrakAsikaa et al) and release these treasures 
     in easily accessible e-format for the community of solars around the 

Please contact Dr.P.Ramanujan at 9448-001232 or Srimathi Padmini RanganAthan
at 98455 48900 ( at Bangalore) or thru the e-mail addresses given above.

It is very important for us all ,who are interested in prserving and protecting 
the eternal relevance of VedAs  to take interest in PIVS and support its many
scholarly activities . Let us start with the purchase of downloadable PoorNa 
Souvenir and extend  next the support for the Research activities of PIVS later 

NamO Veda PurushAya ,
Daasan , Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri SaThakOpan 
Srimath Azhagiya Singar Thiruvadi .

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Srivaasa Ranga Parakaala Munitrayaapta Lakshmaatma
Rakshana Yathitva Yugaagamaantham /
Achaarya Bhakthi Pari pootham Anargha Seelam
Gopaala Desika Munim Gurum Aasrayaamaha //

We seek refuge at the sacred feet of our revered AchAryan, 
Sri Gopala MahA Desikan, who received the sacred rites of samAsrayaNam , Bhara 
SamarpaNam from the great AchAryA,
Sri Srinivasa MahA Desikan (Srimad Poundarikapuram Andavan); ThurIyAsramam from 
Sri Srinivasa MahA Desikan 
(Srimad VeNNaaRRankarai Andavan) and the wealth of 
Ubhaya VedAntham from Srimad Abhinava Ranganatha 
Brahmatantra Swantantra Parakaala Yatindra Maha Deshikan.
He shines with illustrious sadAchAram and is resplendent
with his limitless AchArya Bhakthi. 
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--- End Message ---

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