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Oppiliappan List Archive: Message 00028 Jun 2003

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Respected Bhaktas

This writer is facing a peculiar problem. He is quite keen to learn the
Suprabatham. While there are some people who are ready to teach the Vishnu
Sahasranamam by recitation/oral tradition one could hardly find anyone
willing to do the same for the Suprabatham.

Most of the persons this writer tried to contact referred to the temple
priests who they said would be the right persons. The temple preists in
turn did not have the time given their present schedules etc.

The writer is based in Bombay, incidentally, where there are not many
Perumal temples compared to say South. Even these few temples are spread
out at long distances

The other option was to learn by listening to the audio cassette. Here is
where a peculiar problme cropped up.

The writer, who is reasonably adept in meditation etc. tried to concentrate
and learn by listening. The method was :he listened to say 5 verses, then
rewind and listen again. What was surprising is that despite his
concentration and conscious attempt to rewind, both the mind and hand would
not move to push the rewind button.

The reason was simple. The mind which was listening to the rendition did
not have the heart to stop the chanting for a single second. It was too
good and 'madhuram' to listen that one gets somehow intoxicated with the
twists and twirls of the chaste Sanskrit words. The grammer, the
intonation, the up and down swaras, voice pitch etc. and above all the
meaning of the praises heaped on the LORD to wake him up have been
structured in such a way that one has to listen from start to end and
cannot interrupt. The mind and body does not permit.

This is not the case with other songs, chantings, slokas etc.

The issue now facing the writer is : Learning has to be slow and steady and
given the circumstances, he has to make do with the audio tape system. He
cannot hope to learn by listening daily from start to end!!!. He has to
compulsorily pause, rewind and go ahead. But there seems to be something
compelling in these Slokas that they prevent intermittent stops.

In short, self-control seems to have gone for a toss!! once the tape starts

Can someone give some suggestions to the writer how to proceed ? He is very
keen to learn the Suprabatham by heart.

Om tat Sat
tat tvam asi

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