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Dear SrIman Sudarshanan:

The word " Kim " found in Sahasra Naamam is generating a lot 
of interest in its own right thanks to your excellent essay 
in ThiruvEngaDam List.

Here are a few reflections from my end:

1) Kim idham ? Kim Adhbhutham idam ?

( What is this word "Kim" ? What is this mysterious 
word "Kim "? How does one approach the object of
this query (Prsnam/Pariprasnam?? Whither does one seek ? 
wherefore does one journey ? Among all the Tatthvams , 
which is it ? What is it ? So goes the myriad questions 
relating to "Kim" as you discussed elegantly ).

2) Tamm KaTam vistharathi? (How does one describe that/Him)?
Tamm KaTam JaanAthi? (How does one know that ?)
Tamm KaTam anubhavathi? (How does one enjoy it?)
Tasya Katam Kaimkaryam karOthi( How does one perform
always blemishless Kaimkaryam to Him ?).

VedAs , Upanishads, AchArya Sookthis , Maharishi 
Vaakyams (subhAshithams) , AzhwAr Paasirams instruct us 
on the above.

Imamgination runs riot , when we think about the word 
KIM and its ramifications . Let us channel these thoughts
along VisishtAdhvaithic darsanam lines:

Vedic References & Kaimkaryam to Lord HayagrIvan
1) As I referred to before , there are a dozen Rks in Rg 
Vedam , which start with the Questioning word "Kim " .
There are 100 plus Rks that respond to describe 
with the word "Tamm ", the Jn~Anandhamaya SrI HayagrIvan,
the Sarva VisdhyAdhAran . All the VidhyAs compete with
each other to perform Kaimakryam ( Kim KarOmi) to Him :

Svayam purObhAva vivAdha BhAja:
KIM-KURVATHE Tasya girO yaTArham
--Second half of the 14 th slOkam of 
SrI HayagrIva SthOthram 

In a spirit of Kaimkaryam to their Lord ,
the various VidhyAs compete with one another to
assist the UpAsakan , who has You ( Lord HayagrIvan)
in their heart lotuses . The UpAsakan thus becomes 
the Expert in all Kalais as a result of the Kaimkaryam
done by the kalais at the behest of Lord HayagrIvan ,
the first of avathArams of Para VaasudEvan as Sakala
VidhyA Moorthy .

Hence Kim , Kim KarOmi, Kaimkaryam , Kaimkaryam to
BhagavAn , BhaagavathAs and PerumAL are one major aspect 
of the links to "Kim " sabdham. This is the route ,
the route of Kaimkaryam (" MaRRai namm KaamangaL
MaRRElO yempAvAi" ).

Swamy ParAsara Bhattar's commentary on "KIM"

" He is the One to be enquired into by all without any motive,
who are desirous of knowing the objects of their desire--
EAGERNESS" says Bhattar. 

Swamy ParAsara Bhattar comments further:
" NiruphAdhika Prashtavyathvam " for this 
type of inquiry has to start with "Kim "
as Upanidhads do.

Upanishadic approach
As further comments on the Upanishadic inquiry 
( Kim ithi Brahma VichAram), let us recall the majestic 
start of SvEthasvathArOpanishad:

Kim KaaraNam Brahma Kutha: sma jAthA: 
Jeevaama kEna kkva cha samprathishtA:
adhishtithA: kEna sukhEtarEshu-
varthAmahE BrahmavidhO vyavasTAm 

SvEtasvatArOpanishad: 1.1

(Meaning according to Dr.NSA Swamy):"Seers who speak of
Brahman say thus--Oh knowers of Brahman , of what form is 
Brahman , the cause of this Universe? On account of which
are we born and by which are we born and by which do we
live? In which are we placed in the end? Being presided
over by which do we function in acts of joy and sorrow
following the prescribed order ? 

The whole SvEthasvatAra Upanishad answers these 
Questions relating to Brahma VichAram. These Questions starting 
with "Kim " and conclude with statements on what (Kim) that 
Brahman (Tamm) is and performs SaraNAgathy to that Brahman(Tamm) :

yO BrahmANam vidhadhAthi poorvam
yP vai vEdAmsccha praahiNOthi Tasmai
tamm ha DevAthma-buddhi prakAsam 
Mumukshurvai SarNamaham prapathyE

(Meaning according to Dr.NSA Swamy): I an aspirant
after liberation (from the cycles of births & deaths),
seek refuge in (surrender unto) that effulgent God ,
who creates Brahma first (at the time of creation )
and who endows him with the VedAs (as SrI HayagrIvan)
also and on account of whom the intellect of mine
shines out.

Bhagavad DhyAna SOpAnam & the use of "Kim-api"
Swamy Desikan in the above SthOthram on Lord RanganAtha 
visualizes that Brahman as the JyOthi residing in the Yogi's
hearts (anthar JyOthi: Kimapi yaminAm). The word Kimapi is
a favorite word of Swamy Desikan. Swamy Desikan continues 
in that first slOkam of Bhagavath DhyAna SopAnam and
states: " Dhaivatham DhaivathAnAm Kimapi RangamadhyE
dhrusyathE".This indescribable Vasthu ( Kimapi) is seen
in the middle of SrIrangam.This mysterious and indescribable
Lord blesses one with BhOgams in this world (LeelA VibhUthi)
and Moksham in the Nithya VibhUthi. This mysterious vasthu
beyond our comprehension removes the sorrows of weak and 
those without protection (Dhina-anATa vyasana samanam).

SrI Abheethi Sthavam & the use of "Kim-api"
At the beginning of another sthOthram on Lord RanganAtha,
in the first slOkma again , we come across the use of "Kim "
(Kimapi). Here, Swamy Desikan wonders about that mysterious,
indescribable JyOthi and salutes that effulgence profoundly:

"RamA-sakham adhImahE KIMAPI Rangadhuryam Maha:"

--4th Paadham of 1st SlOkam: SrI Abheethi Sthavam

This mysterious JyOthi , which is Supreme in SrIrangam ,
is seen with SrI RanganAyaki ; This indescribable great
JyOthi seen before our eyes at SrIrangam is the object of
our adorartion with veda manthrAs . 

Whenever Swamy Desikan is overcome with the wonderment of
the Lord and His anantha KalyANa GuNams and Vaibhavam , 
he leans on the word "Kimapi" to indicate his helplessness
to describe Him adequately.He will console his heart with
the declaration : 

GuNam KAMAPI vEtthi vaa tAVA gUneSa gOpAyithu:
KadAchana kuthascchana kvachana tasya na syAth bhayam 

--SrI Abheethi Sthavam: Second half of 5th SlOkam

Oh RanganAtha, the abode of all auspicious GuNams! 
Oh Protector of all! Anyone , who comprehends fully
even one of Your myriad KalyANa guNams has nothing 
to fear from any thing at any time at any place .
Why so? It is because He is the " kara grahaNa 
DhIkshithan" (One who has taken the vow to extend
His hand to pull us out of the ocean of SamsAram/
pranatha rakshaNam).

SWamy Desikan continues and with MahA VisvAsam 
states: " athra KIM bhayAspadham na bhavathi?).
When compared to this matter of Your Pranatha Rakshanam , 
what else is there in this SamsAric world that does
not induce fear ? Only Your krupai removes that samsAric

In the 16th slOkam , Swamy Desikan asks the Lord to 
suggest any PrAyascchittham for the sins comitted :

" Sva-BUddhi parikalpitham KIMAPI prathividhAnam 
ThvayA aadheeyathAm" -- 16 th slOkam of SrI Abheethi Sthavam.

In a moving usage of "KIMAPI" (Whatever it is) ,
Swamy Desikan continues in the 18th SlOkam to
request Lord RanganAthA to choose and bless 
whatever He considers good for him(Swamy Desikan), 
the Prapannan:

SaraNAgatha PraNaya bhanga bheetha: BhavAn 
iha yath madhishtam bhavEth , tath KIMAPI 
maa sma tath jeehapath ". 

In the 27th slOakm , Swamy Desikan uses the word
"KIM" to effectiveness: 

KIM athra BhaunA ? Oh Lord ! Your Vaibhavams 
and display of valour in Thrivikrama , HayagrIvan,
Narasimhan are indescribable and matchless.
In this matter (athra) , what is the point (KIM)
in exaggeration( bahunA KIM)? 

Readers are referred to the use of KIM by Swamy
Desikan in His Other SthOthrams.

In the next posting , adiyEn will cover some of
the Vedic references to KIM and Tamm.

SrImath Azhagiya Singar ThiruvadigLE SaraNam ,
Daasan , Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri Sadagopan 

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