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Dear Sri Reddy gAru,

Thank you. It's a very interesting viewpoint you have. I suppose it
is for "purAna" historians to throw more light upon your conjecture.

My piece was based purely on the 'bhAshya' meaning of "kim' that one
finds in the "bhagavath-guNa-darpaNam" of Sri Parashara Bhattar.
According to this 'bhAshya" the word "kim" does indeed mean "what",
"which" or "whither". And I'd say it's truly a splendid and apt
"nAmA" for the Lord... and I'm sure many would agree too.

Thank you so much for the feedback.


--- Narender Reddy <reddynp@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Jai Sriman Narayana!
> The nama "Kim" appearing in Sri Vishnu shasaranamam
> may not denote the question "what." 
> Srimath Bhagavatham talks about Kimpurusha varsham
> north of the Meru parvatham, and indeed may be talking
> about the present Korea or China. Kimpurusha varsham
> denotes "the kinngdom or land of Kimpurusha," and
> therefore, it is possible that Vishnusahasra namam is
> talking about an individual named "kim" or a race or
> jathi named "kimpurushas." In many places, in Srimath
> Bhagavatham, they talk about kinnaras, kimpurushas,
> etc. when referring to some (different) kind of race
> that existed. These kimpurushas might have ruled the
> world once upon a time, like the English or the
> present Americans ruling the world. My feeling is that
> a great dynasty by the name "kim" (who was dharmic)
> once existed north of Himalayas, and "kinnaras"
> existed in the west (Europe/Americas). The word
> "KInnera" appears in many street names in the US
> (Kinnerer Street, Kinnered Avenue etc.). In order to
> fully understand, perhaps, one has to conduct research
> in Korea on the meaning, origin, and significance of
> the word "Kim." 
> Significant amount of research is neaded in the
> geographical interpretation of Srimath Bhagavatham and
> other puranas and ithihasas. It is a pure coincidence
> that the city "Ramchar" exisits on the southern side
> (Swiss side) of Lake Bodennsee, while the city
> "Ravensburg" exists (in Germany) 30 miles north of the
> lake Bodensee. We took a boat from Ramchar
> (Switzerland) to German side of Lake Bodensee to
> attend a conference in Wein Garten close to
> Ravensburg. Incidentally, during the world war, Hitler
> manufactured his misslies in a plant close to
> Ravensburg.
> My feeling is that the Sanathana dhrama once florished
> all over the world, and somehow, in Kaliyuga, the
> Sanathana dharma is completely lost outside the
> Bharatha Varsha.
> The nama Kim perhaps referres to a mighty race that
> was once prominent.
> With all Glories to Lord Sri Venkateswara, I remain,
> Sincerely
> Narender P. Reddy

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