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PaarTiva Samvathsaram , Simha Maasam ,
Sukla Paksha SravaNa dhvAdasi dinam
Dear BhakthAs of Sri Lakshmi Narasimhan :
In the previous posting , adiyEn cited the famous Upanishadic Passage of
" SraddhayA dhEyam " ( You should offer with MahA VisvAsam/ utter faith). 
To understand the SraddhA Tatthvam and its abhimAna dEvathai , we have to
refer to Swamy Desikan's commentary on AlavanthAr's Chathu: slOki and
Saayana BhAshyam on SraddhA Sooktham . I am thankful to Smt. Subha
VenkatEsan for sending me an out of print manuscript on the commentary on
SraddhA Sooktham released in 1950 .
Our AchAryAs have come to the unified conclusion that SraddhA is none other
than MahA Lakshmi . They provide as PramANams MahA Laskshmi's own words
in MahA BhAratham : " Aham SraddhA cha MedhA cha ". I am indeed the One known
as SraddhA dEvi and MedhA Devi says MahA Lakshmi here . In the VishNu PurAnam ,
Indhran salutes MahA Lakshmi as " Sraddha MedhA Saraswathy ".
MahA Lakshmi is recognized as the abhimAna dEvathai for SraddhA , 
the mind set (Chittha Vrutthi) with utter faith (SraddhA ) in understanding
the meanings and directions of Bhagavath  Saasthrams :
" SaasthrArTE visvAsAthisayaroopA chitthAvrutthi: SraddhA
  tadhabhimAnini dEvathApi tannAmikaiva " is the Saayana BhAshyam
  on sections of SraddhA Sooktham .
There are two SraddhA Sookthams in Yajur Vedam . Let us study them
and invoke the power of MahA Lakshmi  for raining the Kanaka tArai 
to realize samruddhi during the  forthcoming 79th Thirunakshathram
celebrations of Srimath Prakrutham Azhagiya Singar  on December 10
at Bangalore . May there be Veda Samruddhi (abundance) ! May there be
dhana dhAnya Samruddhi ! May there be Saanthi Samruddhi !
First SraddhA Sooktham : Yajur Vedam Kaatakam, 3rd Prsanam , 9-12
SraddhayA dEvO davathvamakshuthE
SraddhA prathishtA lOkasya dEvee
saa nO jushANOpougyamAgAth
kAmavathsAmrutham dhuhAnA ----Mantram 1
SraddhA dEvi praTamA ruthasya
visvasya bharthree jagatha: prathishtA
ThAmm SraddhAmhavishA yajAmahE
saa nO lOkamamrutham dhadhAthu
IsAnA dEvee bhuvanasyAdhipathnee ----Mantram 2
In his SrI Sooktha BhAshyam , Nanjeeyar , the VedAnthin , has blessed
us with the following meanings:
The above two manthrams describe the legendary essence of  the Svaroopam ,
ThirumEni Soundharyam and Iswaryam of MahA Lakshmi celebrated in all
the VedAs.
" SraddhayA dEvO  dhavathvamakshuthE " declares a portion of the first matram (i-e):
The attribute of being SarvEswaran (SarvEswarathvam ) for VaasudEvan (SarvEswaran)
is under the control (adheenam) of MahA Lakshmi . That SarvEswarathvam arises ,
when He is united with Her . He becomes SrinivAsan, SrIdharan  , Sreesan
as  a result of this union .
The remaining portion of the first mantram states: MahA Lakshmi , who is engaged
in the leelais of creating , protecting and destroying this universe made of sentient and
insentient beings is the basis of this universe and is known as SraddhA . She establishes
this universe . May this SraddhA-Lakshmi come close to us and be pleased with our
AarAdhanams ! She is the One , who blesses us with the desired boons  just as
the compassionate mother cow nourishes its calf with milk .
The second mantram reveals the tatthvams of this SraddhA-Lakshmi :
(1) She is the One worshipped through all karmAs (2) She is the grantor
of all desired phalans (3) She presents Herself as and when one engages in
the performance of auspicious karmAs (4)She nurtures the world (5) She is
the foundation of this world (6) When She is pleased with the loving worship
of Her children , She becomes pleased and blesses us with life-giving rains
and rules the world .
May we worship this MahA Lakshmi of illustrious repute as SarvEswari
with pathrams(Bilvam)  and Pushpams as well as charu purODAsam and with preethi .
May SraddhA Lakshmi pleased with our AarAdhanams grant us residence in
Parama Padham ! She is the Iswari for all the worlds . She is the divine consort of
Sriman NaarAyaNan . She is sahadharmachAriNi in the Yaj~nam of protecting
those who seek rakshaNam from Lakshmi NaarAyaNan . Similarly , the lOka
srushti proceeds with the sankalpam of these dhivya dampathis .
THE SECOND SRADDHA SOOKTHAM: Yajur Vedam , 2nd ashtakam : 8.8
SraddhayA agni: samindhathE ( This Agni is illumined by SraddhA)
SraddhayA vindhathE Havi: ( This Havis is also attained through SraddhA)
SraddhA bhagasya moordhani , VachasAaavEdayAmasi ( We say thru speech / Vaak
that SraddhA sits on the head of SoubhAgyam (i-e): We declare before people
that SraddhA is the  reason behind all soubhAgyams and MangaLams ).
priyam sraddhE dhadhata: ( Oh SraddhE ! May the desires of mine offering Havis come true!)
priyam SraddhE dhidhAsatha:( Oh SraddhE! May Your desire to grant future boons be realized !)
priyam bhOjEshu yajvasu ( May Your priyam for yajamAnAs and boon-loving beings grow! ) 
idham ma udhitham kruTi ( May Your affection for me , the YajamAnan grow !)
yaTA dEvA asurEshu
SraddhAnugrEshu chakrirE 
yEvam bhOjEshu  yajvasu
asmAkamudhitham krudhi
(Meaning) : Just as the DevAs had the intense faith that the asurAs are fit
to be killed , similarly show Your intensive affection for the YajamAnAs ,
who enjoy the phalans of their offerings of Havis. 
SraddhAm dEvA yajamAnA:
VaayughOshA upAsathE
SraddhAm hrudhyayayAaakootyA
SraddhAyA hUyathE havi:
(Meaning): Oh IndhrA and other DevAs! These YajamAnAs worship Sraddha
for protection of their PrANans . They worship Her with affection arising from
the sanklapam that arose in their minds .Their samarpaNam of Havis in the Homam
is done with SraddhA ). 

SraddhAm prAtharhavAmahE
SraddhAm madhyandhinam pari
SraddhAm Sooryasya nimruchi
SraddhE SraddhApayEha maa
(Meaning): We call on SraddhA in the Morning , Evening , mid day and at
Sunset . Oh SraddhE ! May Thou make me have utter faith in the performance
of this KarmA !
SraddhA dEvAnadhivasthE
SraddhA visvamidham Jagath
SraddhAm kAmasya mAtharam
HaphishA vardhayAmasi
(Meaning): SraddhA resides amidst the DevAs . This world is full of SraddhA
( SraddhA mayam idham Jagath). May we please SraddhA DEvi (MahA Lakshmi)
to grant us all the desired Phalans with our Offerings (Havis) !
Nanjeeyar points out some unique meanings to select passages of
the above manthram in his Sri Sookthi BhAshyam:
"SraddhAm dEvA yajamAnA: upAsathE" means that SraddhA dEvi is meditated upon by
all dEvAs . The word dEvAs is UpalakshaNam for human beings .
"SraddhAm Prathar havAmahE " and the following three vAkyams  reveal
that SraddhA dEvi is to be worshipped at all the three sandhis . 
"SraddhA  devAn athivasathE " : This points out that She is the indweller of
all the dEvAs .
"SraddhA viswamidham Jagath " : This points to the central doctrine of
VisishtAdhvaitham , SareerAthma bhAvam .
"SraddhAm kaamasya Matharam " : This suggests that She is the grantor of
all desired Phalans .
We worship Lakshmi of these magnificent and noble attributes known also as SraddhA !
This is the prayer of the SraddhA Sooktham , which should grow our MahA VisvAsam
in our AchaaryAs and Guru ParamparA and to be of service to them to fulfill their
Yathi dharmam .  Our gratefulness to our AchAryan   has to be demonstrated with affection
as long as we are on this earth .
SrImath Azhagiya Singar Thiruvadi ,
Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri Sadagopan
P.S: Please support the 79th Birthday celebrations of
Srimath Azhagiya Singar ,YathA Sakthi . A SamarpaNam
of $250 will cover a day's AarAdhanam , KaalakshEpam
and TadhiyArAdhanam . Higher level of support is always
much appreciated . 


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