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Post 2

Dear srivaishnava perunthagaiyeer,

We saw raamaa's first win in previous post by his "sonic archery power". 
Raamaa's next win is the heart and mind of king of vaishaalee on way to 
mithila, when he accompanied sage visvaamithra after thaataka vadham. This is 
before he won the hearts of people of mithila, and eventually the heart and 
hands of seethaa. See slOkam in baala kaaNdam - this is just on way to mithila 
after the ahalya saapa vimOchanam. King sumathi: of vishaala dhEsam receives 
vsage visvamithra and entourage along with raama and lakshmaNa. After the 
athithi sathkaaram - receiving the guest - by ginving argyam paadhyam 
aachamanam etc king asks  

prushtvaa thu kusalam thathra paraspara samaagamE |
kathaa~anthE sumathi: vaakyam vyaajahaara mahaa munim || 1-48-1

prushtvaa + thu + kusalam = asking after but well-being 
thathra = there
paraspara [para: + para:] = one with the other 
samaagamE = on meeting
kathaa + anthE + sumathi: + vaakyam = episode end of [at end of the episode of 
reciprocal greetings,] Sumathi words 
vyaajahaara + mahaa munim = raised topic of [raama and lakshmaNa,] with 

Meaning: There, on meeting one another, and asking after the well-being of the 
great-saint, Vishvamitra, King Sumati raised the topic of raama and lakshmaNa, 
at the end of the episode of their reciprocal greetings. 

imou kumaarou bhadhram thE dhEva thulya paraakramou |
gaja simha gathee veerou saardhoola vrushabha upamou || 1-48-2
[munE] = oh, sage
imou + kumaarou = to these youngsters 
bhadram + thE = let safety betide 
dhEva + thulya + paraakramou = god [vishNu,] balance-able [matching] valorous 
gaja + simha + gathee = [audacious] elephant, [arrogant] lion, strides are 
veerou + saardhoola + vrushabha + upamou = two brave ones, [adventurous] tiger, 
[adamantine] Holy Bull, in similitude.

Meaning: Oh, Sage, let safety betide you, these two youngsters, matching vishNu 
in their valour, the strides of these two brave ones are in similitudewith that 
of an audacious elephant, arrogant lion, adventurous tiger, and an adamantine 
Holy Bull. [1-48-2]

padhma pathra visaalaakshou khaDga thooNee dhanur dharou |
asvinou iva roopENa samupasthitha youvanou || 1-48-3

padhma + pathra + visaala + akshou = lotus petal broad eyed ones 
khaDga + thooNee + dhanu: + dharou = sword quiver bow shouldering 
asvinou + iva + roopENa = asvini the twin brother gods like in form 
sam upasthitha + youvanou = in the offing youthfulness.

Meaning: Their eyes are broad and lotus-petal like, shouldering quivers, 
swords, and bows, and in their form they are like asvini-brothers, [the 
twin-god-brothers, whose aspects will be par excellence] and their youthfulness 
is in the offing.

yadhruchchayaa Eva gaam praapthou dhEvalOkaath iva amarou |
katham padhbhyaam iha praapthou kim artham kasya vaa munE || 1-48-4

yadhruchchayaa + Eva + gaam + praapthou = at their pleasure only on earthchanced
dhEvalOkaat + iva + a + marau = from gods' abode as though not dying 
ones[deathless, immortals] 
katham + padhbhyaam + iha + praapthou = how walking with feet here chanced; 
kim + artham + kasya + vaa + munE = for what, reason, whose [scions,] arethey, 
or, oh, saint.

Meaning: how they have walked all over and chanced here, as though the 
immortals from the abode of gods chancing on earth at their pleasure, and for 
what reason, oh, saint, and whose scions are they.

Point: No father accepts his young ones to walk miles and miles, that too if he 
is the king like dhasaratha. The sages and saints do not observe and care this 
aspect by others, because all of them are 'footsloggers'. May be this is one of 
the reasons for king dhasaratha in refusing to send raama with visvaamithra for 
he knows this very well. Also he knows well the practices of sages. But King 
Sumathi, being a glorious and fatherly king brought up this topic to the sage. 

May be sage visvaamithra is giving a 'rehearsal' for the two brothers for their 
later 'forest trekking'. Also, if a divine deed is to be carried out and a lot 
benefit there from is to be acquired, one has to do thapas. This walking is a 
thapas for these two. raama is just going to perform that divine feat 'bending 
the bow of siva' and leading to the winning the hand of theunusual princess 
seetha, in marriage. Hence, he walked or footslogged thatmuch distance for 
seethaa kalyaaNa artham, loka kalyaaNa artham for seetha's marriage, is for the 
'universal goodness'.

Of course these points are not relevant to the topic we have taken up but see 
the attitude of the kings those days in caring for others.

bhooshayanthou imam dhEsam chandhra sooryau iva ambaram |
parasparENa sadhrusou pramaaNa ingitha chEshtithai: || 1-48-5

bhooshayanthou + imam + dhEsam = refurbishing, this, province; 
chandhra + sooryou + iva + ambaram = Moon, Sun, like, to firmament; 
parasparENa + sadhrusou = one another, alike; 
pramaaNa + ingitha + chEshtithai: = by proportions, body-language, 

Meaning: These are refurbishing this province like the moon and sun in 
firmament, likeness is there in one another, in their proportions, in their 
facial-language, and in their gesticulations. 

kim artham cha nara srEshtou sampraapthou dhurgamE pathi |
vara aayudha dharou veerou srothum icChaami thaththvatha: || 1-48-6

kim + artham + cha = for what, reason, also
nara + srEshtou = two best ones among men 
sampraapthou + dhur + gamE + pathi = came about, not, passable, route
vara + aayudha + dharau + veerou = best, weapons, wielders of, brave ones 
srOthum + icChaami + thaththvatha: = to listen, I wish, in its significance.

Meaning: Also for what reasons these two best ones among men and brave 
oneswielding best weapons, have come about in this impassable route, I wish 
tolisten, in its significance". [Thus King Sumathi asked visvaamithra] 

POINT: Thus you can see the king sumathi is bowled over by the beauty of the 
two in particular about raamaa. This means that raama has won king sumathi by 
his beauty, the walking style and appearance. Perhaps dear bhakthaas, may be 
this is a surprise to you all, for the role of vaishaalee king is only a 
passing reference. But king janaka, the eventual father in law of raama is also 
going to say same lines as king sumathi, which we will see in next post.

Vasudevan m.g

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