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Dear sri vaishNava perunthagaiyeer,

It is well established "Great people talk less and do more", since 
their actions speak for themselves, instead of their long winding and 
big-mouthed talks. Even among such great people, who speak 
only `truth and nothing else' is still less in number. 

May be, when such great men talk `truth' alone the quantum of talking 
or the words put out becomes less. So they talk only what is 
required. Then that small talk also bears or / and contains lot of 
meanings, explanations, commentaries etc. For necessarily a lot of 
thought must have gone into to make that `truth' as a small speech. 
Further the intention behind making that speech is also positive, 
about doing good to all in general. 

Great talkers or orators may "at times" or "some times" be achievers 
in action, but not all the times. These are certain golden rules 
available in the world.  

Sage vaalmeeki asked that great sage naaradhaa "who is a great man 
who talks truth [in few words] and acts according to his talks in the 
present world?" ? "ka: sathya vaakyO dhruDa vratha:?" The sage 
vaalmeeki did not stop with these two qualifications. But the sage 
added another 14 qualities also and wanted an answer from naaradhaa 
as to "who is the human being in this world, who fulfills all these 
16 qualities?" 

Perhaps, by now you got where I am trying to lead. Yes. It is the 
beginning of srimadh raamaayaNam first sargam in baala kaaNdam. Some 
times a doubt comes what are these 16 qualities for `a man' to be 
such "exemplary and unique" person. So we will, first, have this 
list of 16 qualities and then go into the topic, which I want to 
discuss here. 

Sage vaalmeeki asks "ka: + nu = who really; asmin + saampratham + 
lOkE = in this present world" [slokam 1-1-2] -- who really in this 
present world is a 
1. guNavaan = principled person; 
2. veeryavaan = valerous, potential one; 
3. dharma + jna: = conscientious knower  
4. krutha + jna: = knower of what is done, [also a redeemer]; 
5. sathya + vaakya: = speaker of truth [habitually speaking the truth 
= truth-teller]; 

6. dhruDa + vratha: = determined in his deed.
7. chaarithrENa + yuktha: = conduct-wise blended with good conduct; 
8. sarva + bhoothEshu + hitha: = benign in respect of all beings; 
9. vidhvaan = adept,
10. samartha: = capable or ablest one; 

11. Eka + priya + dharsana: = uniquely good to look at
12. aathmavaan = courageous;  
13. jitha + krOdha: = controlled his ire; 

14. dhyuthimaan = brilliant one; 
15. an + asooyaka: = not jealous; 
16. kasya bibhyathi + dhEvaa: + jaatha + rOshasya + samyugE = by 
whom even gods are afraid when provoked in the matter of war.

Then the great sage naaradha replies "raamaa born in the ikshvaaku 
clan" is that unique and exemplary human who possesses all those 
qualities listed by sage vaalmeeki ? who asked "evam vidham naram".

In similar lines, saint thyaagaraja [ST] also sings "vaachaama 
gOcharamE manasaa" ? is it possible to describe all those traits of 
raamaa in his "kaikavasi" raaga krithi. 

Pallavi of the krithi: 
vaachaama gOcharamE manasa varNimpa tharamE? raama mahima --- 

meaning: raama's glory cannot be described in words and is beyond the 
perception of speech.

Now let us see whether all 16 points asked are covered in naaradha 
maharshi's reply.

ikshvaaku vamsa prabhavO raamO naama janai: shrutha: |
niyatha aathmaa mahaaveeryO dhyuthimaan dhruthimaan vasee || 1-1-8
raama: + naama = raama, named
ikshvaaku + vamsa: + prabhava: = ikshwaku dynasty as his birthplace 
[emerged from ikshvaku dynasty]; 

Sage naaradha now lists out: [list is somewhat different as covered 
in the slOkams but to present in same order as vaalmeeki asked it is 
modified and presented here]: 
1. sa: + cha + sarva + guNa + upEtha: = he that raama is embodiment 
of all noble merits ? [question Q is - who is guNavaan- so answer 
is `sarva guNa upetha:' slOkam 1-1-17] 

2. mahaa + veerya:= highly valorous one [sl. 1-1-8]; vishNunaa + 
sadhrsa + veeryE = in valour, comparable with Vishnu [sl.1-1-18]; [Q-
is veeryavaan ] 
Note: Based on this qualification maaha veerya: swamy dhEsikan named 
his gadhya kaavyam the "raamaayaNam" abridged as "maahaaveera 

3. dharma + jna: [1-1-12] = rectitude knower. 
Raamaa not only knows but implements it fully ? see 
- dharmasya+pari+rakshitaaH [sl. 1-1-13] = of probity, in entirety, 
- svasya + dharmasya + rakshitaa: [sl.1-1-14] = champion of his own 
righteousness [self-righteous];

4. For the question "kruthjna:" sri naaradha replies in an indirect 
way as 
- prajaanaam + hitha: + ratha: [sl. 1-1-12] = concerned in subject's 
- rakshitaa+sva+ janasya [sl.1-1-14] = champion of his own, people's 
welfare, [adherents' welfare] 
- jeeva+ lOkasya + rakshithaa: [sl. 1-1-13] = guardian of living 
beings in worlds; 
- [unless raamaa knows what is being done elsewhere, how can he be a 
good guardian of his subjects and take care of their welfare.]  

5. sathya + sandha: [sl. 1-1-12] = truth bidden 
[Q is "sathya vaakya:"- truth teller ? but answer is not only teller 
but one who carries out ? does the Q is fully answered or more than 

6. For that one question of "dhruDa + vratha:" = determined in his 
deed, Sage naaradha puts his answer in more than one quality of raama 
dhruthimaan [sl.1-1-8] = steadfast; 
sarvadhaa + abhigatha: + sadhbhi: [sl.1-1- 16] = always accessible by 
clean-minded ones; 
samaadhimaan [sl.1-1-12] = diligent one. 
a + dheena + aathmaa [sl.1-1-15] = not down hearted [level-headed 
even in severe trouble]; 
vichakSaNa: [sl.1-1-15] = clear-headed [in discriminating and 

7. For the next Q of "chaarithrENa + yuktha:" = conduct-wise blended 
with good conduct again naaradha puts the answer again indirectly as 
niyatha + aathmaa [sl. 1-1-8] = controlled soul [conscientious]; 
vasee [sl.1-1-8] = controller [of vice and vile or senses]
vashya:[sl.1-1-12] = self-controlled; 
suchi: [sl.1-1-12] = clean [in conduct]; 
saadhu: [sl.1-1-15] = gentle; 
sarva + sama:[sl.1-1-16] = one who treats all equally 

8. For the next Q of "sarva + bhoothEshu + hitha: = benign in respect 
of all beings" naardha replies in indirect way as in point 4 above ? 
as one who takes care of 
prajaanaam + cha + hitha: + ratha: = concerned in subject's welfare, 
jeeva+ lOkasya + rakshithaa: = guardian of living beings in worlds.

Since the length of the post is increasing we will continue in next 


Vasudevan m.g.

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