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Ramanuja List Archive: Message 00027 Feb 2002

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namO namO yAmunAya YamunAya namO nama:
namO namO yAmunAya YamunAya namO nama:

slOkam 16:

ullangitha thrividhasIma samAthishAyi 
sambhAvanam thava paribraDima svabhAvam |
mAyAbalEna bhavathApi nigoohyamAnam 
pashyanthi kEchidanisham thvadananyabhAvA: ||

ullangitha - reaching/extending beyond
trividhasIma - three types of boundaries/limitations
(space, time and matter)
sama - who are equal
atishAyi - who surpass
sambhAvanam - thinking
{ullangitha trividha sIma; ullangitha sama athisAyi}
tava - your
paribraDimasvabhAvam - Supreme Lordship

mAyAbalEna - the inherent power of the Lord
(surprising power, laudable power)
bhavatA nigUhyamAnam api - even if (by your strength)
(Your supreme Lordship is) hidden
by You

kEcith tvath ananyabhAvA: - 
some people who have no other 
thoughts other than You
anisham - at all times (even in this kaliyuga)
pashyati - visualize


Eventhough by your power you hide your infinite
capability of protecting the universe by 
transcending space, time and matter and by being
inside all space, time and matter, those who 
meditate on You alone, do see it. Therefore 
eventhough it is not visible to those with 
tAmasic nature, it will be visible to those of 
sAtvika nature.

ALavandAr tiruvadigalE saranam 

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