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Ramanuja List Archive: Message 00005 Feb 2004

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AchArya Hrhdayam 148
sUthram 222--The Fourth Ten concluded

"virakthi pUrvagamAga AsrayaNathai ruchipikkinRAr nAlAm pathilEA"

AzhwAr creates interest, taste, eagerness, zest and yearning towards the Lord 
by creating indifference. What are the indifferences
1. Indifference over other deities.
2. Indifference on other religions which do not conform to vEdhic stand.

Towards whom the ruchi is created?
1. Towards the Lord who is the prime creator of the one and all.

To whom is this addressed?

Towards the souls who are eternally submerged in the cycle of births.

Surrender unto the divine feet of the Lord. Do not fall prey to other religious 
beliefs. Do not get interest in materialsitic pleasures and wealth. They are 
temporary. Do not approach other deities. These are of thAmasic nature. They 
also approach the Lord to rescue themselves. They are also created by the Lord.
The only way to attain salvation is surrender to His feet and serve Him. This 
is the crux of fourth ten
-nAlam pathu.

(to be continued)
vanamamalai padmanabhan

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