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Sri Parthasarathi thunai
Srimathe Ramanujaya Namaha
Sri Vara Vara MunayE Namaha
Sri vAnAchala mahA munayE Namaha


"elaituNai mattrennenjE Esanaivendra

silaikoNda senkaNmAl sErA- kulaikoNda

eerain thalaiyAn elangaiyai eedazhiththa

kooranbha nallAl kurai"

Oh! Azhvar like a few who are adamant that we will eat only when cooked in our 
house or else will remain hungry throughout why are you acting foolishly saying 
"nAnunnaiyandri elEn kandAi nAraNanE" why don't you get your wishes satisfied 
with the help of others? Azhvar answers in this paasuram stating that no one 
other than the senkAnmAl (sriya:pathi Sriman Narayanan) can become our saviour. 
Moreover not stopping with being unable to help us they also prevent emperuman 
from coming to our help instructs azhvar to his mind.

(elaituNai mattru) More than understanding that emperuman is the only saviour 
it is more important to realize that others can never take that role. It is 
very important for a Srivaishnavaite to remain away from anyasEshatvam 
(servitude to anyone other than emperuman) "thiruvadi than nAmam marandhum 
puramthOzhA mAndhar". On the same lines, we have to get to our memory the 
aphorism of pillai ulagariyan in mumukshupadi, "adhilum anyasEshatvam 
kazhigaiyE pradhAnam"

(en nenjE) Oh! My mind you are suitable for me to give this divine rahasyam. 
You are not like the other's mind that has a number of confusions ("sanjalam he 

Why do you say that others cannot be the saviour? That is because he alone is 
the paramAtma. But there are references that state even rudra to be the 
paramatma? Let's see how their paratvam remains continues azhvar,

(eesanai vendra silai koNda senkaNmAl) the emperuman holds the bow which was 
obtained on winning rudra. This particular incident is found in Sri Ramayana 
Baala kAndam where parasurAma narrates the incident to Sri Rama Piran. "Oh! 
Rama These two bows that belong to the devaloka where well created by 
vishvakarma. They are world famous, strong, marvellous, and powerful. Among 
these one was given to rudra who wanted to do tripuradahanam. Only that bow 
which was handy in burning the tripura was broken by you in the janaka sabhai. 
This powerful second bow was gifted to mahavishnu by the devas. This vishnu 
danus has equal power with the siva danus. At that time the devas wanted to 
test the power of Siva and Vishnu and hence they requested the same to brahma. 
That Brahma who was chief among the brahmajnAnis created a conflict between 
rudra and Vishnu. So a big war started between rudra and Vishnu. At that time 
the great bow of Siva that did many big jobs cracked a little just due to the 
'hoonkAram' (a sign of anger) of Vishnu. And Siva fainted. Later due to the 
request of the rishis and devas Vishnu and Siva calmed down. At that time the 
rishis who visualised the cracking of Siva danus due to the anger of Vishnu 
realized the supremacy of Vishnu," says the Valmiki rAmAyana. This incident has 
been reminded by azhvar in the above line.

(eesanai vendra silai) So not emperuman his bow itself won over Rudra. That 
shows that even emperuman's divya ayudhAs (weapons) have power to win over 
other devatas. Then how can they be considered equal to emperuman? Or otherwise 
it can be read as "eesanai vendra senkaNmAl"

(silai koNda) Emperuman just held the bow that won over Rudra. It was not 
necessary for emperuman to put any other effort other than just holding the bow 
the rest was done by the bow itself. That shows that each and every thing 
belonging to emperuman has special powers. That even includes bhagavatas. So 
the anya devatas never come near bhagavatas or they show their special regards 
to the bhagavatas.

(senkaNmAl) Emperuman has reddish eyes that indicate his supremacy. "kapyAsam 
pundareekamEva aksheenee" (he has two eyes that are like the lotus that has 
blossomed due to the rising of the sun). Sem kaN mAl can also refer to Sri 
rAmapiran with reddish eyes that indicate his love to his devotees. "rAmO 
rAjeeva lOchana:" "rAma kamala patrAksha:" "Sem kaN" refers to wealth and love 
whereas "mAl" refers to supreme and lover.

(elai tuNai mattrennenjE eesani vendra silai koNda senkaNmAl) Will the 
emperuman who won over Rudra become the sarva rakshakan or will the defeated 
Rudra become the saviour?

(senkaNmAl sErA) Not joining the ghosti of rAma who is the incarnation of the 
pundareekAkshan, sarvEshvaran rAvana says,

"dvithA bhajjEyamapyEvam.....svabhAvO dhuradhikrama:" (Even if I am cut into 
two I will not prostrate anyone. This is a quality born with me and hence 
cannot be changed)

(senkaNmAl sErA) Even after seeing the beautiful lovable eyes of emperuman can 
anyone be without falling to his feet?

(eesanai vendra....senkaNmAl sErA) But when even Rudra who is a devotee of 
emperuman (anukoolan) suddenly due to the increase of thAmasa guna wages a war 
against emperuman what to say about a person who is always in the opposite army 
(prathikoolan). Who is that?

(kulaikoNda eerainthaliyAn) He is none other than ravana who has a bunch of 10 
heads. "koththuthalaivan kudikeda thOndriya" says periyAzhvar (1-9-3)

(eerainthalaiyAn elangaiyai eedazhiththa) "lankAm rAvaNa pAlithAm" the lanka 
was protected by a great warrior, rAvana. But even that lanka was shattered by 

(kooranbhanallAl kurai elai tuNai) None other than rAmapiran who has a strong 
arrow in his hands can solve our problems and protect us. 

PeriyavAchAn pillai's vyakhyanam

"EmperumAnAr sri pAdhaththai Ashsrayiththavargal achEtanamAna kriyA 
kalApaththinudaiya koormaiyai vishvashittirArgal. Chakravarththi thirumagan 
ambin koormaiyaiyAyittru thanjamAga ninaiththiruppar"

>From the above it has been very clearly stated that for Srivaishnavas who have 
>fallen to the feet of Swamy emperumAnAr anya sEshatvam has to absolutely 
>abandoned and only the ultimate faith in emperuman is essential. 

Note: If we want to be in the emperumAnAr ghosti then it is absolutely 
essential for us to give up anya devata worship. At this point we have to get 
to memory the great kooraththAzhvan who gave up even darshan of namperumal to 
uphold his status as the disciple of swamy emperumAnAr. Being a disciple of 
that great acharya is more essential than even emperuman himself that has been 
shown by all our acharyas. Get to memory the acharya bhakthi of vaduga Nambi. 
So it is our prime duty to follow them and get uplifted.

Saint thyagaraja, in one of his krithis beautifully says, "nithichAla sukamA 
rAma sannithi sEva sukama" What is crores of wealth going to grant us will it 
ever equal what the service to emperuman will actually grant us? 

(To be continued)

Azhvar emperumAnAr Jeeyer thiruvadigalE sharaNam

Adiyen ramanuja dAsee
Sumithra Varadarajan

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